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2020 Chef of the Year
William Donnelly, Vice P r es id ent, P h a r m a c y O p er atio ns
total Care RX Pharmacy
William Donnelly, RPh, serves as Vice President of Pharmacy Operations for
Total Care RX, an independently owned, specialty pharmacy that approaches
healthcare from a progessive angle. Licensed to practice pharmacy since 1995
and dedicated to hospital and community practice for more than 15 years,
William is deeply dynamic and forward thinking, leading Total Care to
personalized service combined with the resources typically found in a
nationwide chain.
The drive for personalized service stems from William’s method for working
with critical care patients, including HIV and AIDS patients, that began in the
late 1990s and early 2000s. These subjects, often living in economically
challenged areas, required hands-on care that included home visits to ensure
they were taking their prescription medications. Meanwhile, William also took it
upon himself to establish whether or not they kept their doctor
appointments and if they were living in a safe, healthy environment. This highly rewarding time in his life
has influenced William to this day, forever solidifying his dedication to the real people and patients tied to
each prescription.
And it’s with this mindset that William has helped to guide Total Care RX. In recent years, William is most
proud of the pharmacy’s allegiance with the Department of Health’s AIDS Advisory Council, which saw the
pharmacy work to achieve a certified peer advocacy program for HIV clients. William also notes that during
2020 Chef of the Year
Hilary Topper, CEO & P r es id ent
HJMT Public Relations Inc.
Hilary Topper is the CEO of HJMT Public Relations. She formed the firm in
1992. Before that, she has worked at top public relations agencies in NYC. She
was also the Director of Public Relations and Development for two non-profit
organizations in New York City and Queens. She is also the chief curator of
HJMT Media Company, LLC, where she writes for two blogs NY Lifestyle Blog
and A Triathletes Diary. Both blogs get more than 50,000 unique visitors a
month. Her weekly podcast, which has been running since 2011, is called Hilary
Topper on Air.
In addition to this, Hilary Topper just published her second book, Branding in a
Digital World, which offers small business owners an opportunity to grow their
businesses through digital media. This is Topper’s second book. Her
first, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media, but were
afraid to ask… Building Your Business Using Consumer Generated Media was
published in 2009.
Topper started a virtual triathlon team called WeRTriathletes, with members from around the globe in 2017.
In addition to WeRTriathletes, Hilary Topper is a program director for Galloway Long Island and teaches the
run/walk method every Saturday. Topper is a USA Triathlon Level 1 Coach.
Hilary Topper is an Adjunct Professor at Hofstra University where she teaches courses in digital
communication, PR tools, and persuasive presentation for both undergraduate and graduate students.
Hilary has received numerous awards and honors for her accomplishments throughout the years from the
Brava! Awards, PRWeek, Newsday, The Community Awards, International Association of Business
Communicators. Long Island Business News, Girl Scouts of Nassau County, DiversityBusiness.com, and The
Stevie Awards.
Hilary received her Bachelor of Science degree from Hunter College and her Master’s in Public
Administration from Baruch College.