

20 DECEMBER 15, 2016 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM KIDS & EDUCATION This Ridgewood school raising funds for playground equipment BY ANTHONY GIUDICE [email protected]/@A GIUDICEREPORT An elementary school in Ridgewood is asking for your help to bring fun and educational playground equipment to the school’s small playyard. In mid-November, the PTA president of P.S. 290 A.C.E Academy for Scholars, Katarzyna Okula, created a GoFund- Me page for donations from community members to help the school purchase an Imagination Playground starter kit. Imagination Playground kits come with large waterproof foam blocks that allow children to create their very own playground equipment, encouraging growth in a multitude of areas including creativity, communication, collaboration and social skills. “We are asking community members, like you, for a charitable donation in order to purchase a basic starter set for our scholars,” Okula wrote on the GoFundMe campaign. “Because this equipment is portable, we are also intending to use it indoors during the winter months as well. We would be grateful if you could make a donation to our school PTA to help us implement this project.” P.S. 290 was opened at 55-20 Metropolitan Ave. in 2014 and serves more than 500 pre-K through fi ft h-graders. The school has a rigorous academic curriculum that teaches students subjects such as math, science, technology, the arts, reading, writing, music and more. One thing they are lacking, however, is a fun and stimulating place for the kids to play and learn. In three weeks’ time, the GoFundMe campaign has raised $1,095 of the $6,000 goal with donations from 10 people. If you would like to make a donation to P.S. 290’s campaign, visit their Go- FundMe page, https://www.gofundme. com/ps-290q-playground-equipment. Photo via Google Maps The PTA at P.S. 290 in Ridgewood is asking the community for donations to buy playground equipment for the students.

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