12 DECEMBER 8, 2016 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM EDITORIAL At long last, Glendale ZIP code plan moves forward For more than a decade now, we’ve THE HOT TOPIC STORY: Armed bandits pistol-whip elderly man while robbing him at his Bayside house: cops SUMMARY: An elderly man was robbed of his iPhone 7 by two unknown bandits REACH: 25,134 (as of 12/5/16) COMMENTS: ESTABLISHED 1908 Co-Publishers VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS JOSHUA SCHNEPS Editor-in-Chief ROBERT POZARYCKI Classifi ed Manager DEBORAH CUSICK Assistant Classifi ed Manager MARLENE RUIZ Reporter ANTHONY GIUDICE © 2016 SCHNEPS NY MEDIA, LLC. General Publication Offi ce: 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 TELEPHONE: 1-718-821-7500/7501/7502/7503 FAX: 1-718-224-5441 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.timesnewsweekly.com ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY FOR 108 YEARS COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: Accuracy in receiving ads over the telephone cannot be guaranteed. This newspaper is responsible for only one incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad in which the error appears. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure copy does not contravene the Consumer Protection Law or any other requirement.TIMES NEWSWEEKLY Is Listed With The Standard Rate & Data And Is A Member Of The New York Press Association SNAPS THE SKINS SING AT MASPETH’S KNOCKDOWN CENTER PHOTO BY ANTHONY GIUDICE Send us your photos of Queens and you could see them online or in our paper! Submit them to us tag @queenscourier on Instagram, Facebook page, tweeting @QNS or by emailing [email protected] (subject: Queens Snaps). been covering the fi ght led by Glendale residents and elected offi cials to give the community its own ZIP code. It’s more than just about the mail; it’s about the neighborhood’s identity. The needle fi nally inched forward toward that goal last week, when the House of Representatives passed during its lame duck session Congresswoman Grace Meng’s bill for the creation of a Glendale ZIP code. The Senate needs to pass it before the end of the year, and it needs to be signed by the president for the ZIP code to become a reality. Whatever the outcome, this is the closest the neighborhood has come to date of fi nally getting the postal recognition it deserves. Congresswoman Meng should be applauded for her work to get this, at the very least, to a House vote. This hasn’t happened up until now, and with any luck, this bill will go all the way to the White House before 2017 arrives. If it doesn’t happen, we’ll be counting on Meng to keep trying until it fi nally gets done. For decades, Glendale has shared the 11385 ZIP code with Ridgewood. Before that, the neighborhoods shared a Brooklyn-based ZIP code before then-Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro championed a campaign to reassign the areas to the Flushing post offi ce in Queens where it belonged. Because of the shared ZIP code, it’s diffi cult for people and businesses outside the area to distinguish Glendale from Ridgewood, and vice versa. This is especially true for GPS devices and computerized mailing programs, few of which recognize Glendale as a neighborhood unto itself. This leads to confusion when packages are mailed out or delivered. Glendale and Ridgewood also share one main post offi ce on Myrtle Avenue notorious for long lines. There is a postal station in Glendale, but it lacks the full facilities of a standard post offi ce. This one post offi ce serves in excess of 90,000 residents in the area, whereas neighboring Maspeth and Middle Village — each of which have just a third of the 11385 population — have their own fully functioning post offi ces. Some people might hate the idea of adjusting to a new ZIP code and all the short-term inconveniences that may come with it. In the long term, however, the new ZIP code will make it easier for Glendale residents to receive mail and for visitors to navigate the area. Of course, Glendalers can also feel a greater sense of pride that they will fi nally have their own special place on the Queens map.
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