BUSHWICK: HO, HO,NO! Espinal said. “So I put out a statement yesterday urging bar owners and patrons not to participate in this event,” he stated. Espinal noted much bad behavior by costumed revelers in communities where it has been held, and said local businesses have been upset by the refuse left behind and mayhem that has been witnessed. In past years, “people were urinating, were puking in the streets, bars were upset and angry over the messes that were left behind,” Espinal stated. “In years past, almost 30,000 people would show up at these events,” he added. Many at the meeting Wednesday evening agreed Bushwick is just not the appropriate place for the event. “It’s been happening in New York, over the years, in Manhattan,” Espinal said. “Thousands of people would show up, dressed as Santa, run through the streets and it became kind of a big crap show.” Espinal noted the effort to dissuade organizers from bringing SantaCon to Bushwick was covered in the press, and said the impression was opposition was “futile,” he said; because other areas have fought them coming, but the boozy event came anyway. “But thank God, I received a call about an hour ago from the organizers of SantaCon, and they 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2014 Board 4 Relieved SantaCon’s Not Coming by Noah Zuss Bushwick lawmakers and Community Board 4 celebrated teamwork at the Hope Gardens Senior Center last Wednesday, Nov. 19, after SantaCon organizers announced the bar crawl and charity event will not be held in the neighborhood. State Sen. Martin Malavé Manager Nadine Whitted and Dilan and City Council Member Chairperson Julie Dent—all Rafael Espinal began the meeting expressed this relief, as did the by telling attendees the spirited crowd, which applauded the event will not be coming to announcement. Bushwick. Several neighborhood bar SantaCon is an alcohol-fueled owners against the event coming bar crawl begun in California, attended as well, and were where revelers dress up in “thrilled” SantaCon organizers costumes––many as Santa have decided to find a different Claus––and visit multiple bars location for the infamous event. while getting their fill of holiday In past years thousands of cheer. spirited, and spirit-filled Santa’s The lawmakers and Board 4 have shown up at the event, far members—including District too many for Bushwick to handle, Espinal stated. “This is a small, diverse community, I couldn’t see it as being possible that you would want 30,000 people show up on one day and just wreak havoc across our streets,” Espinal said. SantaCon has been held in Manhattan several times, Espinal and Dilan noted. The council member advised attendees that he had spoken with Dilan, Whitted and Dent––and they mutually agreed that “something should be done,” -SEE BOARD 4 ON PG. 26- Glendale Cheers Army At West Pt. The Men’s Auxiliary of the Sgt. Edward R. Miller VFW Post in Glendale recently took a trip to West Point to see the Army football team play The Air Force Academy. Members Billy Dwyer and Kevin McBride extended their thanks to many in the community for making the trip possible, including: Tom Kelly and Maria Ochoa of McDonald’s; Glendale Bagels; Dunkin Donuts; and Yerman’s Irish Pub. Other donations were made by Subway; Edison Place; Zum Stammtisch; The Avenue Restaurant; O’Neill’s Restaurant; Bridie’s Bar and Grill; Nate’s Zone Barber Shop; and Disabled American Veterans Chapter 118. R’wood Scrapper Cuffed For Thefts Say He Stole Devices In Maspeth by Robert Pozarycki Originally collared last Saturday morning, Nov. 22, for allegedly transporting a stolen boiler in a shopping cart, a Ridgewood man was later charged for allegedly stealing valuable equipment from a Maspeth factory earlier this month, law enforcement sources said. Police identified the suspect as 49-year-old Robert Rodonis of Greene Avenue. According to information provided by the Queens District Attorney’s office, Rodonis was picked up by 104th Precinct officers at the corner of 58th Place and Grand Avenue at about 11:55 a.m. last Saturday. Reportedly, officers observed him walking on the sidewalk while pushing a shopping cart containing a stainless steel boiler and assorted metal and steel items. It was not determined where the items had originated, or how Rodonis allegedly obtained them. When the officers stopped Rodonis and asked to see a valid receipt for the items, law enforcement sources noted, he allegedly failed to produce one. He reportedly also provided the -SEE THEFTS ON PG. 27- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: GGrroouupp SSttaabbss MMaann DDuurriinngg SSttrreeeett DDiissppuuttee................Pg. 1 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CCBB 55 TTrraannssiitt CCmmtteess.. RRaaiill OOvveerr PPllaazzaa TTwweeaakkss...........Pg. 1 CYPRESS HILLS: Four-Alarm Inferno Displaces Dozens...............Pg. 1 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: BBiigg DDoonnaattiioonn BBoooossttss LLooccaall FFoooodd PPaannttrryy...................Pg. 1 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Bandit Steals Bounty Of Bank Bucks............Pg. 1 BUSHWICK: Board 4 Relieved SantaCon Won’t Come...............Pg. 3 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: RRiiddggeewwoooodd SSccrraappppeerr BBuusstteedd FFoorr TThheefftt......................Pg. 3 GLENDALE: Vets Cheer On Army At West Point.............Photo, Pg. 3 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Parking, Illegal Apts. Top 104th Council.......Pg. 6 MASPETH: Rename Garage For Late DSNY Worker......Photo, Pg. 6 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: TTrraasshh TTaallkk TTooppss FFaarrmmeerrss OOvvaall MMeeeettiinngg...............Pg. 8 BUSHWICK: Cab Driver Gets Knifed During Holdup.................Pg. 8 RICHMOND HILL: 102nd Precinct Honors Cops.............Photo, Pg. 8 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: BBuurrggllaarriieess CCoonnttiinnuuee TToo BBuugg 8833rrdd PPrreecciinncctt.............Pg. 10 LONG ISLAND CITY: City Council Donates To Vets........Photo, Pg. 10 OOZZOONNEE PPAARRKK:: FFiinndd IIlllleeggaall PPiillll SSttaasshh IInnssiiddee MMaann’’ss HHoommee.........Pg. 17 ELMHURST: Person Of Interest Sought In Murder Case...........Pg. 17 SOUTH OZONE PARK: Pol Enjoys Day At The Races........Photo, Pg. 17 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE//WWOOOODDHHAAVVEENN:: GGrroouuppss TTeeaamm UUpp TToo HHeellpp DDoogg DDrrooppppeedd OOuutt OOff MMoovviinngg VVeehhiiccllee..........................................................Pg. 19 FOREST PARK: Car Enthusiasts Go On Toy Run...............Photo, Pg. 19 FLUSHING: College Remembers Slain Freedom Rider.................Pg. 22 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Activists Help Wipe Out Graffiti..........Photo, Pg. 22 FOREST HILLS: Big Response To Precinct Bag Drive...........Photo, Pg. 22 GLENDALE: Students Collect For Local Veterans..............Photo, Pg. 22 GLENDALE: Atlas Park Lights Up Their Tree....................Photos, Pg. 25 MASPETH: High Schoolers Go To ‘Moot Court’...............Photo, Pg. 25 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Lawmaker Blasts Reductions In Police & Fire Pension Benefits........Pg. 6 CCiittyy CCoouunncciill RReeppoorrtt EEyyeess RReessttoorriinngg IInndduussttrryy AAccrroossss CCiittyy...............Pg. 10 CCiivviicc GGrroouupp RRaalllliieess FFoorr RRoocckkaawwaayy BBeeaacchh LLiinnee RReevviivvaall..................Pg. 17 YYoouurr GGuuiiddee TToo HHoolliiddaayy TTrreeee LLiigghhttiinnggss AArroouunndd OOuurr AArreeaa..............Pg. 19 Assemblyman Seeks Increased Safeguards On Conduit Ave.......Pg. 28 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 Letters To The Editor.........Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 10 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 SUBSCRIBE TO THE TIMES NEWSWEEKLY! 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