It’s In Queens! News From The Queens Tourism Council Due to the national holiday on Thursday, this week is less active than normal. But there are belated Irish-Choctaw and Latin Thanksgiving extravaganzas, various Small Business Saturday events, French cinema, jazz, performance art, improv, embroidery, and literature. Here’s the rundown. • Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 29-30, An Irish Choctaw Thanksgiving, times vary. This two-day event honors the Choctaw Nation’s $170 donation to Ireland during the Irish Potato Famine in 1847. Queens Theatre presents Oklahoma Fancy Dancers, Darrah Carr Irish Dance, Celtic Cross, and Cruel Seamus, while Queens Museum screens movies about the Choctaw, Ireland and hunger. Queens Theatre, 14 United Nations Ave. S., Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens Museum, NYC Building, FMCP, • Saturday, Nov. 29, Live Music, noon to 4 p.m. As part of Myrtle Avenue BID’s Small Business Saturday, the eclectic local indie band Silverteeth -SEE TOURISM ON PG. 55- Community CALENDAR Queens & Brooklyn performs at Venditti Square, Myrtle and St. Nicholas avenues, Ridgewood. • Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 29-30, Make It: Embroidery, 1:30 to 5 p.m, recurring sessions. Learn how to embroider at this drop-in workshop. Participants can use their projects as patches to decorate a bag or clothing or turn them into frameable pictures. $5 per adult/child pair, plus admission. New York Hall of Science, 47-01 111th St., Corona, • Saturday, Nov. 29, Jean Grémillon: Dainah the Mulatto, 3 p.m.; Remorques, 5 p.m. These films are part of a retrospective on French director Grémillon. In the first movie, an elegant black magician is forced to watch with chagrin as his wife, Dainah the Mulatto, flirts with fellow passengers, including a suspicious, subliterate engineer, on a cruise. Dainah disappears, and both men fall under suspicion. In Remorques, a rescue tugboat captain goes out one storm-tossed night and fishes up Catherine, a young woman who drives a wedge between him TTOODDAAYY TTHHAANNKKSSGGIVVINNGG DDAAYY OFFICES of the Ridgewood Times/Times Newsweekly will be closed today. The newspapers will be available on the newsstands as usual. CHECK with your local Senior Center, some of them offer Thanksgiving luncheon. TAKE TIME to say a prayer of Thanks for being able to live in freedom in the United States of America. FFRRIDDAAYY,, NNOOVVEEMMBBEERR 2288 PARKSIDE PLAYERS will present “The Foreigner” tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 71st Road and Union Turnpike, Forest Hills. BOY SCOUT TROOP 28 meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 86-20 114th St. in Richmond Hill. All boys age 10-1/2 to 17 are welcome. For more information, call 1-718-478-5747. GIRL SCOUTS K to 3rd grade meet from 5 to 6 p.m. Grades 4 and up meet from 7 to 8:15 p.m. Andrews United Methodist Church, 91 Richmond St., between Etna St. and Ridgewood Ave., Cypress Hills. BOY SCOUTS Troop and Pack 233 meet at 7 p.m. at St. Brigid Catholic Academy, 438 Grove St, near St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn. All boys in grades 1 and up are welcome. For information call 1-718-827-7377. GIRL SCOUTS meet at 7 p.m. at St. Brigid Catholic Academy, 438 Grove St., near St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn. RIDGEWOOD OLDER ADULT CENTER, 59-14 70th Ave., welcomes new members 60 years of age or older. Weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Meals daily. For more information, call 1-718-456-2000. REGO PARK SENIOR CENTER, 93-29 Queens Blvd., will hold various programs. For more information, call 1-718-896- 8751. RIDGEWOOD-BUSHWICK SENIOR CENTER, 319 Stanhope St., will hold various programs. For more information, call 1-718- 366-3038. PETER CARDELLA SENIOR CENTER, 68-52 Fresh Pond Rd., Ridgewood, will hold various programs. For more information, call 1-718-497-2908. -SEE CALENDAR ON PG. 33- TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2014 • 20
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