1. Disney dog
5. Very dry, as wine
9. ___ gin fizz
13. Coin featuring
Leonardo da Vinci’s
Vitruvian Man
14. Larger, wider spoons
16. German married
17. Brief survey
18. Cap
19. When repeated, like
some shows
20. Bring up
21. Recently
23. Draft
25. Certain surgeon’s
26. To come together
30. Assumed name
32. Round sound
33. AIDS causing virus
34. Homey
35. Plucky
36. Bit of dust
37. ___ v. Wade
38. Acclivity
39. Escapade
40. To protect
43. To lay out in sun
44. Burglar
45. Cliched movie ending
47. Category
50. Codger
51. Victorian, for one
53. Person traveling doing
religious work
56. Cowboy boot attachment
57. Certain type of domes
58. Confined, with “up”
59. ___ tide
60. The America’s Cup trophy,
61. Clumsy boats
1. Hit the road
2. Acoustic
3. Exaggerates
4. “___ rang?”
5. Ill-gotten gains
6. Ancient alphabetic character
7. Bull markets
8. Cooking meas.
9. Tenure of land
10. French novelist Pierre
11. ___ probandi
12. “___ quam videri”
(North Carolina’s motto)
14. Bathroom item
15. Danger
19. Bottom of the barrel
22. Cafeteria carrier
23. Crack
24. Corduroy feature
26. “Cut it out!”
27. Like a manager
28. Commend
29. “... happily ___ after”
30. “God’s Little ___”
31. “Crazy” bird
32. Fetch
35. Two-masted ship
36. Come together
39. “Out of the question”
41. European mint used in
42. Gum
43. Floating signals
45. More tender
46. Car luggage compartment
47. “Follow me!”
48. Ancestry
49. ___ Minor
50. Amounted (to)
52. Song and dance, e.g.
54. “___ to Billie Joe”
55. “___ what?”
56. Marienbad, for one
6 4 9 2
5 1 7 8
9 8 3
4 1
1 8 6 2
3 6
7 4 8
4 9 5 6
2 5 6 7
Each row must contain
the numbers 1 to 9; each
column must contain the
numbers 1 to 9; and each
set of 3 by 3 boxes must
contain the numbers 1 to 9
Answers to Last Week’s Sudoku
Answers to Last Week’s Crossword