5 steps to building and designing a
sustainable, energy-effi cient home
For the 21st-century home,
building with environmental
sustainability in mind is a
must. A sustainable, energy-effi cient
home makes the most eff ective use
of building materials and natural
energy. Many home builders look for
new ways to ensure energy-effi ciency
measures are incorporated into their
home features and construction methods.
This not only saves money in the
long run for the homeowner, but also
reduces the impact the home has on
the environment. Are you looking to
build a sustainable home? Here are
some options to consider:
For many builders, smart thermostats
are the standard off er in new
homes and are included in the fl oor
plan to create energy savings over
time. This smart technology can sync
up with the homeowner's mobile
device to show real-time settings,
goals and energy usage stats. Smart
thermostats can be programmed to
have set temperatures throughout the
day to save energy when you're not at
home. For example, Clayton, one of the
leading builders of prefabricated and
site-built homes, has started including
ecobee3 lite smart thermostats in all
newly built prefabricated homes.
ecobee is the inventor of the world's
fi rst Wi-Fi smart thermostat and a
leader in the smart home space. Smart
thermostats are designed to improve
comfort and effi ciency, while saving
homeowners on monthly utility costs
and reducing their footprint on the
Low-emission (Low-e) windows are
designed with two glass panes to help
block UV rays from entering the home
during the day. By blocking UV rays
from entering the home's interior, the
windows can help regulate the indoor
temperature. Without this technology,
the home's HVAC system ends up
fi ghting against the heat of the sun,
especially during the hot summer
months. Low- e windows allow less
heat to enter or leave your home
through your windows and reduce
the light's ability to wash out colors in
home fabrics. Low-e windows can help
reduce UV- induced fading of indoor
furniture by as much as 75 percent, as
reported by Energy.gov.
Green building practices, such as
recycling and dust control, can divert
several tons of landfi ll waste every
year which has a positive impact on
the environment. Effi cient home construction
methods that result in less
construction waste help the future
homebuyer save money by lowering
the overall cost to construct the home.
Sustainability is one of the core values
of Clayton, where the company has
adopted internationally recognized
ISO 14001 green building standards
for its home building facilities. This
home builder closely monitors its
waste usage and in 2017, the company
was able to divert 17,476 tons of landfi ll
waste using these green practices.
It's not just the building processes
and materials that make a home sustainable.
The overall landscape also
makes an impact. Try methods like
drip irrigation to cut down on wasteful
watering. A drip irrigation system
slowly drips water directly onto your
lawn and garden through pipes that
run along your yard.
Environmental sustainability is a
lifestyle - there are many easy habits
you can incorporate into your daily
routine that won't cost a dime. Simple
changes like unplugging your electronics
when they're not in use, turning
your thermostat down (or even
replacing with a smart thermostat) and
turning off the water while you brush
your teeth can go a long way. Adopting
habits like these is the next step to
having a sustainable, energy effi cient
home, while keeping more money in
your pocket to spend on yourself!
When you buy a home that was built
with sustainability in mind, you'll save
energy while helping to protect the
These eco-friendly methods will
help you create a happy, healthy home.
For more tips, visit claytonhomes.com.
Courtesy BPT