TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014 • 22 Maspeth Scout Cares For Troops Maspeth Girl Scout Mary Vavruska brings care packages for members of the military serving overseas to the post office as part of her Silver Award project. CK Salutes Its Students Of Month CALENDAR assistance program. For more information, call 1-718-779-1234. SUNNYSIDE COMMUNITY SERVICES, 43-31 39th St., will hold various programs. For more information, call 1-718-784-6173, ext. 112. FOREST HILLS SENIOR CENTER, 108-25 62nd Dr., will hold various programs, plus hot lunch. For more information, call 1- 718-699-1010. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 GLENDALE MASPETH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 66th Pl., and Cooper Ave., Glendale will hold their ”Fabulous Fall Fair” today from 2 to 7 p.m. and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. SUPERMARKET SWEEPS at Sacred Heart School, 84-05 78th Ave., Glendale at 7 p.m. Refreshments available. BOY SCOUT TROOP 28 meets every Friday at 7 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 86-20 114th St. in Richmond Hill. All boys age 10- 1/2 to 17 are welcome. For more information, call 1-718-478-5747. GIRL SCOUTS K to 3rd grade meet from 5 to 6 p.m. Grades 4 and up meet from 7 to 8:15 p.m. Andrews United Methodist Church, 91 Richmond St., between Etna St. and Ridgewood Ave., Cypress Hills. BOY SCOUTS Troop and Pack 233 meet at 7 p.m. at St. Brigid Catholic Academy, 438 Grove St, near St. Nicholas Ave., Brooklyn. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 20- Vols Help Clean Juniper Val. Park The It’s My Park improvement and clean up day at Juniper Valley Park had volunteers and staff take the time on Oct. 18 to clean up up the Middle Village greenspace. Orgainzed by Ed Shusterich, president of the the Pullis Historical Landmark the work was completed with the help of park staff and volunteers. Pictured, from left to right, are Adriana Jacykewycz, director of horticulture; Shusterich; Pat Shusterich; Millie Cruz, Juniper Park supervisor and; gardener Adalit Mata. Christ the King High School in Middle Village recently honored the following students as Students of the Month for their grades. They were recognized for their hard work and dedication to their education. Students pictured from left: Julianna Lingowski, Melecia O’Malley, Erich Naumann, Jessica Fischer, Angela Siano, Cassandra Pantelides, John Zhang and Mary Yanez. -SEE CALENDAR ON PG. 33- IIff YYoouu SSeeee BBrreeaakkiinngg NNeewwss OOnn YYoouurr BBlloocckk...... CCoonnttaacctt TThhee Times Newsweekly Caall 11-771188-882211-77550000 •• Emmaail inffoo@@timmessnewwsswweekklyy.coomm DDEENNTTAALL CCAARREE FFOORR TTHHEE EENNTTIRREE FFAAMMILLYY Santa LoCascio, D.D.S., P.C. PRROOVVIDDINNGG PRROOFFESSIOONNAALL && PERRSOONNAALLIZEDD CCAARRE 70-16 FRESH POND RD., RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - DR.LOCASCIO/A 1-718-628-6588 Our Complete Dental Cleaning (Includes X-ray, Exam & Cleaning) Any Filling, Extraction or Emergency Visit $99 $99 We also accept most insurances Like Us On Facebook ©Times Newsweekly - 2014 - SCLAFMORE CONSTRUCTION LLC Family Owned & Operated for 30 Years (718) 845-9200 Free Estimates Violations Removed •Kitchens & Bathrooms •Dormers & Extensions •Brick Work •Paving Stones •All Types of Concrete •Custom Built Homes •Residential & Commercial •New Construction •We Do It All! VISIT US AT... SclafmoreConstruction.Com NYC License #1314744 Nassau County License #HO445750000 Long Beach License #5944 Fully Insured
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