12 NOVEMBER 3, 2016 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM EDITORIAL It’s your choice, make it a good one THE HOT TOPIC STORY: Burger King in Rego Park gets into the Halloween Spirit by dressing as McDonald’s SUMMARY: A Burger King franchise in Rego Park donned a ghost costume on the restaurant and the sign that had the iconic golden arches and the word “McDonald’s” spray painted on the side. REACH: 15,244 people reached (as of 10/31/16) COMMENTS: ESTABLISHED 1908 Co-Publishers VICTORIA SCHNEPS-YUNIS JOSHUA SCHNEPS Editor-in-Chief ROBERT POZARYCKI Classifi ed Manager DEBORAH CUSICK Assistant Classifi ed Manager MARLENE RUIZ Reporter ANTHONY GIUDICE © 2016 SCHNEPS NY MEDIA, LLC. General Publication Offi ce: 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 TELEPHONE: 1-718-821-7500/7501/7502/7503 FAX: 1-718-224-5441 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB SITE: www.timesnewsweekly.com ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY FOR 108 YEARS COMPOSITION RESPONSIBILITY: Accuracy in receiving ads over the telephone cannot be guaranteed. This newspaper is responsible for only one incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad in which the error appears. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make sure copy does not contravene the Consumer Protection Law or any other requirement.TIMES NEWSWEEKLY Is Listed With The Standard Rate & Data And Is A Member Of The New York Press Association SNAPS CROSS ISLAND PATH PHOTO BY MARSHA GELLERT Send us your photos of Queens and you could see them online or in our paper! Submit them to us tag @queenscourier on Instagram, Facebook page, tweeting @QNS or by emailing [email protected] (subject: Queens Snaps). We’re less than a week away from an election most people want to forget-- but the one thing you shouldn’t forget to do is to vote this Tuesday, Nov. 8. Election Day gives everyone the same power to dictate the course of their government’s future, whether it’s in Washington, D.C. or in the confi nes of the State Capitol in Albany. This is the most important opportunity you have to truly speak out on what you want your government to do in the choices you make at the ballot box. It’s easy to think of the entire election coming down to the presidential race at the top of the ballot. You should know, however, that there are a number of local legislative races downballot that are just as important to your state’s future, your community’s future, your future. Although our sister papers have off ered their endorsements, the Ridgewood Times and Times Newsweekly have opted not to make any endorsements, continuing a time-honored tradition that began when this publication was launched in 1908. However, we would like to off er our readers some advice before they head to the polls on Election Day. We need to elect competent men and women into offi ce who we can rely upon to do the right thing, who won’t look to instinct alone when deciding the fate of our city, our state, our republic. We should demand that our representatives are well-informed, level-headed, tolerant of diff erence and willing to compromise in order to get things done. In order to elect the right people to government, we need to make well-informed decisions at the polls. That means tuning out the noisy pundits on the major network news networks and ignoring the memes in your Facebook or Twitter feeds. That means investing a few spare moments of your busy schedule to read up on the candidates looking to represent you in the halls of the State Capitol, on Capitol Hill and, yes, in the White House. Read your local and national newspapers, in print and online. Visit the candidates’ websites and see where they stand on the issues that matter to you. Try not to make a contest about one thing that you may hold dear; think of several things that are important and fi nd out which candidate best suits your needs. We all take the time to research lesser matters such as where to vacation, where to shop, what car to lease or what brand of television or computer we should buy. We should make the same vigorous eff ort before heading to the polls. The choice is yours, Queens. Go vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8!
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