Jamaica Hospital Offers Effective, Non-Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins
According to the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, approximately half of Americans
age 50 and older have varicose veins.
These veins are most commonly located in the
legs, appear to bulge from the skin and are
dark purple or blue in color.
The veins in a person’s legs carry blood back up
to the heart and should only allow blood to flow
in one direction. However, when the valves in a
person’s veins become weak and allow blood to
flow away from the heart, blood pools and the
veins in that area become stretched or
enlarged, thereby, creating a varicose vein.
While varicose veins are very common among
both men and women, there are several factors
that can increase a person’s risk of being
affected. These include:
nancy and menopause
Not only can varicose veins cause discomfort
and embarrassment for the men and women
who have them, but they can sometimes lead to
more serious health conditions.
Until recently, the most common methods used
to treat varicose veins included wearing
compression stockings designed to help leg
muscles push blood upward or taking overthe
counter medications such as aspirin or
cases, doctors can perform a variety of
interventions, including the use of heat with
radiofrequency to close the veins, injecting
chemicals into the vein, or surgical options that
would either strip or remove the vein entirely.
Now, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center is
offering a new and more effective way of
treating varicose veins. The VenaCure EVLT
system is the number one physician choice in
laser vein treatment and brings remarkable
results and significant advantages to
remedying superficial vein reflux. During this
laser vein treatment, a thin fiber is inserted
into the damaged vein. A laser light is
emitted through the fiber, delivering just the
right amount of energy, causing these
superficial veins to close and reroute blood
flow to other veins.
This minimally invasive and clinically proven
treatment option boasts a 98 percent
success rate with minimal to no scarring,
offers less discomfort and a quicker recovery
period than other forms of therapy for
varicose veins. The VenaCure EVLT procedure
is also easy to perform, results in fewer
complications and is done in your doctor’s
office. You can get back on your feet in less
than an hour.
For more information about VenaCure EVLT
treatment, or to schedule an appointment
with one of Jamaica Hospital’s vascular
surgeons, please call 718-206-7110.
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OCTOBER 31, 2018