POLICE BEAT Compiled by Anthony Giudice
Police are searching for a perpetrator
wanted for breaking into three Ridgewood
apartments and riding off with bicycles
from two of them over a month’s time.
According to investigators from
the 104th Precinct, the suspect
— described as a white male with a
thin build, between the ages of 20
and 25 years old — made his way into
three residences across Ridgewood
between Aug. 20 and Sept. 26.
The fi rst incident took place on Aug.
20 at 10:47 p.m., cops said, when the
burglar entered the common area of
a residential building located within
the vicinity of Gates Avenue and Cypress
Avenue and removed a bicycle.
He then fl ed the location on Gates
Avenue toward Fresh Pond Road.
On Aug. 29 at 11:44 a.m. it was reported
to police that the individual
entered the basement of a residential
building located within the vicinity
of Forest Avenue and Grove Street.
Once inside, the thief removed a bicycle
from the area. He then fled the
location in an unknown direction.
Finally, on Sept. 26 at 1:30 a.m., law
enforcement agents reported, the
perp entered the basement of a residential
building located within the
vicinity of 60th Place and Palmetto
Street and removed a bicycle. As the
individual was leaving the location,
cops said, a resident of the building
entered the location causing the burglar
to fl ee the location empty-handed.
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Persons arrested in recent police
actions as reported by the 104th
Precinct include the following:
Oct. 9: (Beat 4) Vivian Villa, at 66-52
79 St., for assault and criminal obstruction
of breathing, by P.O. Lee.
Oct. 10: (Beat 4) Eileen Polanco, at
64-02 Catalpa Ave., for criminal contempt
by Det. Diaquol. (Beat 4) Larry
Echaverry, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave., for
aggravated harassment, by Det. Bazilio.
(Beat 4) Tara Gonzalez, at 64-02
Catalpa Ave., for unauthorized use a
of a vehicle, by Det. Caruso. (Beat 4)
Moises Matias, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave.,
for grand larceny, by Det. Glowa. (Beat
3) Peter Aguirre, at Wyckoff Avenue
and Myrtle Avenue, for theft of service
(transit), by P.O. Kaufman. (Beat 4)
Adrian ZHanay, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave.,
for criminal obstruction of breathing
and assault, by Det. Rogers. (Beat 4)
Justus Gonzalez, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave.,
for assault by Det. Friedrich. (Beat 5)
Crystal Marino, at Myrtle Avenue, for
criminal mischief, by P.O. Campbell.
(Beat 5) Melissa Aponte, at Wyckoff
Avenue and George Street, for theft of
service (transit), by P.O. Pluviose.
Oct. 11: (Beat 12) Lisandro Azocar, at
68th Avenue, for aggravated contempt
and assault, by P.O. Bertrand. (Beat 4)
Trent Benefi eld, at Fresh Pond Road
and Woodbine Street, for aggravated
unlicensed operation of a vehicle, by
P.O. Nardello. (Beat 15) Carlos Hernandez,
at Grove Street, for possession of
a forged instrument, by Det. Wright.
(Beat 4) Nicholas Carlos, at 68th
Avenue and 65th Place, for criminal
possession of a weapon, by P.O. Oliver.
Oct. 12: (Beat 4) Jaime Spataro, at
64-02 Catalpa Ave., for strangulation,
by Det. Lodato. (Beat) 4 Justin Roman,
at 64-02 Catalpa Ave., for criminal
mischief, by Det. Rogers. (Beat 4)
Justina Medina, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave.,
for possession of a forged instrument,
by Det. Gerardi. (Beat 2) Juan Vilamar,
at Myrtle Avenue, for petit larceny,
by P.O. Marinacci. (Beat 4) Justin
Roman, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave., for
menacing, by P.O. Campbell. (Beat 14)
Freddy Rodriguez, at Metropolitan
Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O. Bush.
(Beat 4) Jovan Miladinov, at Palmetto
Street, for stalking, by P.O. Anderson.
(Beat 15) Franciso Gomez, at Cypress
Avenue and Stanhope Street, for unlicensed
operation of a vehicle, by P.O.
Oct. 13: (Beat 14) Jose Vasquez, at
69th Street and Metropolitan Avenue,
for unauthorized use of a vehicle, by
P.O. Hili. (Beat 3) Pedro Herrera, at
Wyckoff Avenue and Myrtle Avenue,
for forgery, by P.O. Zarabia. (Beat 2)
Jason Bautista, at Onderdonk Avenue,
for criminal mischief, by P.O. Lin. (Beat
4) Davon Greene, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave.,
for criminal contempt, by Det. Diaquoi.
(Beat 15) Ishwar Harakram, at Stanhope
Street and Cypress Avenue, for
criminal possession of a weapon, by
Det. Wright. (Beat 14) Jennifer Cancemi,
at 69th Street, for assault, and criminal
mischief, by P.O. Bayizian. (Beat 2)
Angel Sanchez, at Seneca Avenue, for
third-degree assault, by P.O. Teti. (Beat
2) Edwin Grullon, at Palmetto Street,
for menacing, criminal possession
of a weapon, and assault, by P.O. Teti.
(Beat 4) Luis Rivera, at 65th Street and
68th Avenue, for unauthorized use of
a vehicle, by P.O. Singh.
Oct. 14: (Beat 14) Zbigniew Pastula, at
Eliot Avenue, for criminal obstruction
of breathing, by P.O. Prizeman. (Beat
16) Gilbert Lopez, at 73rd Place, for
second-degree assault and criminal
possession of a weapon, by P.O. Chen.
(Beat 16) Oscar Casanova, at 73rd Place,
for second-degree assault and criminal
possession of a weapon, by P.O.
Chen. (Beat 3) Luis Galicia, at Centre
Street, for criminal mischief, by P.O.
Sorto. (Beat 5) Cecilio Albayero, at
Vermont Place and Cypress Avenue,
for aggravated unlicensed operation
of a vehicle, by P.O. Aglialoro. (Beat
5) Michael Morales, at Vermont Place
and Cypress Avenue, for aggravated
unlicensed operation of a vehicle, by
P.O. Fokianos. (Beat 14) Cristal Rodriguez,
at Metropolitan Avenue, for
petit larceny, by P.O. Pofanti. (Beat 4)
Wilmer Iniguez, at 65th Place and 68th
Avenue, for open container of alcohol
in public, by P.O. Santos. (Beat 9) Kevin
Jaggernath, at 51st Road and 65th Place,
for DWI, by P.O. Ock.
Oct. 15: (Beat 14) Victor Lagua, at 65th
Street and Grand Avenue, for DWI, by
P.O. Gianesses. (Beat 3) John Moruzzi,
at Norman Street and Seneca Avenue,
for aggravated unlicensed operation
of a vehicle, by P.O. Bayizian. (Beat 2)
Heriberto Diaz, at Madison Street, for
grand larceny, by Det. Moon. (Beat 4)
Shady Zaki, at 64-02 Catalpa Ave., for
criminal contempt, by Det. Rogers.
The 104th Precinct, located at 64-02
Catalpa Ave. in Ridgewood, can be
reached by calling 718-386-3004. It
was noted that all criminal charges are
accusations, and all persons listed in
this blotter are presumed innocent until
proven guilty.
Santa LoCascio, D.D.S.,P.C.
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