Today’s high schoolers face mounting pressure
with respect to their futures.Even high school
graduates who did not immediately go to college
aft er graduating face diffi cult decisions about
their futures.
For many facing such a decision, the process oft en
involves fi nding the right college.
However, options don’t have to be limited to colleges
and universities.
Trade schools can prepare young people, or even
professionals looking to make a change, for lucrative
and fulfi lling careers.
When deciding between a trade school or traditional
college, there are a few things to consider to
ensure whatever decision is made is the right one:
Career goals diff er for everyone. While some pursue
a career simply because it can pay well, others
seek careers that may reward them in other ways.
When deciding between a trade school or traditional
university, consider any career goals.
If certain goals bear signifi cant importance, determine
the best route by which to achieve them, be
it through a trade school or college or university.
Individual skills can also play a signifi cant role
when determining if a trade school or traditional
university is the best choice.
Prospective students who are mechanically inclined
and love working on automobiles might be
better suited to an automotive trade school, while
those who excel in cooking arts and don’t know an
engine from an onion might be more suited for a
culinary school.
Individuals who honestly assess their strengths
and weaknesses will likely fi nd this can lend much
to their decision-making process.
Those who would love to learn about a variety of
subjects are probably better suited for a traditional
college or university.
Others with a more specifi c interest in a given
fi eld of study might fi nd it hard to get motivated or
stay interested when studying at a four-year college
or university.
Not all careers require a degree from a four-year
college or university. Individuals should research
what level of education is necessary to be successful
in any fi elds that may interest them.
If a given career does not require a four-year
degree, there’s no sense spending such a substantial
amount of money on a degree that won’t help you
land a job.
How to decide between trade
schools or traditional college