BACKING ‘BACK YARD’ locations. While the Cooper take place generally from 3 to 9 Avenue location has a proposed p.m. and Carter anticipates the maximum capacity of 999 facility will approach capacity have a capacity of 600 or more persons, he anticipated the bar during those hours. patrons featuring live and wouldn’t operate near that “There will be absolutely no recorded music and small-scale number on most days. amplified music” on site, he dancing. “We expect our average noted, “except on Sundays.” Carter told the board last attendance on weekdays to be Carter insisted that similar Wednesday he and his partners in around 100, and we expect the events held at their Brooklyn the venture want to be “totally weekend attendance to be around locations presented few problems transparent” about the matter, 300,” according to the to both local police and the offering board members an information packet. nearby communities, and he information packet explaining Sundays would be the most anticipated the results wouldn’t The Back Yard’s operations. active day for the bar, Carter said, be different at the Ridgewood According to Carter, the as it will hold “Mister Sunday” location. seasonal bar would be similar to music and dance events similar to To that end, the information ones he, Connell and Harkin those held at their Brooklyn packet he and his partners 2014 16,OCTOBER THURSDAY,operate at two other Brooklyn locations. The program would TIMES, •3 R’wood Bar Owners Make Case To CB 5 by Robert Pozarycki After Community Board 5 rejected a liquor license for proposed Ridgewood seasonal bar last month, the business’ management publicly appealed the decision during the board’s meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 8, at Middle Village’s Christ the King Regional High School. Justin Carter, Eamon Harkin and Mark Connell outlined their plans to open The Back Yard at 56-06 Cooper Ave.—a vacant, former factory in the South of Myrtle Avenue Industrial Business Zone (SOMA IBZ)—as “a gathering place for friends and families ... in the warmer months.” During its September meeting, as previously reported, Board 5 recommended asking the State Liquor Authority to deny issuing a liquor license to the establishment under Carter’s name since, according to the application, the facility would -SEE BOARD 5 ON PG. 26- Celebrating Hispanic Heritage In R.H. For their service to the community, seven prominent Hispanic individuals were honored by Assemblyman Mike Miller during his Hispanic Heritage Month celebration last Thursday, Oct. 9, at the Richmond Hill Block Association office. The event coincided with the national celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, which ran from Sept. 15 through Oct. 15. Pictured with Miller (at far right) are (from left to right) honorees Maximo Luna, Domingo Santos, Elba Suarez, Eddy Vega, Carmen Ramirez, Luis Lucas and City Council Member Rafael Espinal. (photo: Marcin Zurawicz) Self-Serve Bandit Hits Gas Stations Sought For M.V., Oz. Pk. Stickups by Robert Pozarycki Brandishing a firearm, a bandit filled up on cash while holding up two gas stations in Middle Village and Ozone Park earlier this month, law enforcement sources reported. The NYPD released last Friday, Oct. 10, an image of the bandit (at right), described as a male with a dark complexion who was observed wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, jeans and a black hat. According to authorities, the crook visited the Mobil gas station located at 69-08 Eliot Ave. in Middle Village at about 7:35 p.m. on Oct. 4. Reportedly, the crook walked into the mini-mart on site, displayed a gun and demanded cash from a clerk. Police said the worker complied with the demand and handed $800 in cash over to the bandit, who took the money and fled in an unknown direction. Officers from the 104th Precinct responded to the -SEE STICKUPS ON PG. 24- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... NEWS HIGHLIGHTS GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: CCoonnggrreesssswwoommaann TTaakkeess ZZIIPP CCooddee PPuusshh TToo DD..CC..........Pg. 1 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: CCooppss GGeett BBrreeaakk IInn RRiiddggeewwoooodd GGyymm TThheeffttss........Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: Maspeth Man Dies After Police Pursuit.............Pg. 1 FFOORREESSTT HHIILLLLSS:: QQuueeeennssWWaayy PPrrooppoonneennttss UUnnvveeiill PPaarrkk PPllaann...........Pg. 1 WWOOOODDHHAAVVEENN:: GGuueessttss HHoonnoorreedd AAtt WWRRBBAA DDiinnnneerr........Photo, Pg. 1 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Ridgewood Bar Owners Speak To Board 5...Pg. 3 MIDDLE VILLAGE/OZONE PARK: Gunman Sought For Pair Of Recent Service Station Stickups............................................Pg. 3 RRIICCHHMMOONNDD HHIILLLL:: CCeelleebbrraattiinngg HHiissppaanniicc HHeerriittaaggee...........Photo, Pg. 3 CORONA: 110th Precinct Targets ‘Drifters’ In Park...................Pg. 6 FOREST HILLS: Truck Drives Through Bagel Store...........Photo, Pg. 6 ELMHURST: School Parking Woes Top COMET Meeting...........Pg. 8 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: RReessiiddeennttss SSaayy TTrraasshh TTrruucckk LLoott SSttiinnkkss...................Pg. 8 OZONE PARK: Auto Thefts Top 106th Council Meet.................Pg. 9 WOODSIDE: Bushwick Man Cuffed In Deadly Hall Brawl.........Pg. 9 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: AAlllleeggeedd BBuurrggllaarr CCaauugghhtt OOnn CCaammeerraa...........Photo, Pg. 9 WOODSIDE: Residents Seek Justice After Hit-&-Run....................Pg. 11 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: VViissiioonn ZZeerroo PPllaann FFooccuuss OOff BBooaarrdd 66 MMeeeett..........Pg. 11 RIDGEWOOD: Activist Included On Landlord Watch List............Pg. 12 CORONA: Man Found Dead With Head Wound On Street.........Pg. 12 RIDGEWOOD: Seek Suspect In Truck Break-In.................Photo, Pg. 12 RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: PPuubblliicc SScchhooooll LLooookkiinngg TToo EExxppaanndd........................Pg. 17 GLENDALE: New Members And Duties For 104COP..................Pg. 18 RIDGEWOOD: Artists And Writers Hold Roundtable.................Pg. 19 RIDGEWOOD: Local Director Debuts New Documentary...........Pg. 19 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: PPuummppkkiinn FFeessttiivvaall AAtt EEppiissccooppaall CChhuurrcchh..........Photo, Pg. 19 MIDDLE VILLAGE: High School Hosts Harvest Fest...........Photo, Pg. 22 GLENDALE: Bunco Party Benefits Relay For Life...............Photo, Pg. 22 SSUUNNNNYYSSIIDDEE:: FFuunn TTiimmeess AAtt LLooccaall SSttrreeeett FFeessttiivvaall...............Photo, Pg. 22 FFLLUUSSHHIINNGG MMEEAADDOOWWSS:: SSccaavveennggeerr HHuunntt TThhiiss SSuunnddaayy......Photo, Pg. 25 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: LLooccaall SSccoouuttss PPllaanntt TTuulliippss AAtt CCoorrnneerr................Photo, Pg. 25 RIDGEWOOD: Harvest Festival At Onderdonk House....Photos, Pg. 32 RIDGEWOOD: ‘Hats Off To Reading’ At P.S. 81............Photos, Pg. 59 COLUMNS & LISTINGS My Say...........................Pg. 4 Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 News From The WRBA....Pg. 17 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 17 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 Visit Us On The Web! 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