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23 • TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 Remembering 9/11 At Woodhaven Meet The Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation (GWDC) paused to remember the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks during a ceremony at its meeting last Tuesdsay, Sept. 23, at St. Thomas the Apostle School. As shown, Rev. Frank Tumino of St. Thomas the Apostle Church (as shown in right photo) led attendees in prayer. The Franklin K. Lane Junior ROTC provided a color guard for the ceremony. Among those pictured participating at the event were State Sen. Joseph Addabbo, GWDC President Stephen Esposito and Executive Director Maria Thomson. Pictured in the left photo are (from left to right) Lt. Col. Ralph Gracia of the ROTC, Sgt. Eddie Carr, Lt. Courtney Niland, P.O. Eddie Martinez of the 102nd Precinct Community Affairs Unit, State Sen. Michael Gianaris, Esposito, Thomson, Addabbo and Greater Woodhaven Development Corporation Board Member Paul Rudolph Jr. (right photo: Marcin Zurawicz) Learn The History Of Our Neighborhood! VVIISSIITT OOUURR AARRCCHHIIVVEESS OONNLLIINNEE AATT wwwwww..ttiimmeessnneewwsswweeeekkllyy..ccoomm Oktoberfest Comes Early At Atlas Park Guests had a wunderbar time singing, dancing and eating during the two-day Oktoberfest held at The Shops at Atlas Park’s center green in Glendale on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 27-28. Attendees enjoyed live music as well as German fare provided by nearby Manor Oktoberfest restaurant. (photos: Chris Bishop)

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