Description Grant Parcel
Application of Bud South LLC (f/k/a 55-01 R LLC)
All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Queens, City and State of New York,
more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of a grant of land under water to Jonathan Crane
and Charles Ely, dated March 28, 1855 with the westerly line of former 5th street (West St) discontinued and closed
by Alteration Map 4513 & 4514, sold point being South 14 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East, 323.59 feet from the
intersection of the westerly line of 5th street with the southerly line of 54th Avenue;
THENCE southerly, along said westerly line of former 5th Street and the westerly line of a grant of land under water to
New York News, Inc. dated August 6, 1971, South 14 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East, 40.56 feet to the United States
Pierhead & Bulkhead Line approved by the Secretary of War on November 20, 1940;
THENCE southwesterly along said Pierheard & Bulkhead line South 28 degrees 09 minutes 56 seconds West, 31.03 feet to
the northerly line of a grant of land under water to theTrustees of Union College dated December 30, 1897;
THENCE southwesterly, along said northerly line, South 35 degrees 01 minutes 53 seconds West, 117.77 feet to the
afrorementioned southerly line of a grant of land under water to Jonathan Crane and Charles Ely;
THENCE along said southerly line, North 23 degrees 48 minutes 53 seconds East, 178.18 feet to the point or place of
Containing 2,469 square feet or 0.057 acre of land more or less.
Bearings indicated above refer to the Borough of Queens Topographical Bureau Coordinate system- 10th Avenue Meridian.