FOR BREAKING NEWS VISIT SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 • TIMES 21 Christ the King High School An Independent Catholic High School Providing Quality Catholic Education Since 1962 Join us at our Open House: Saturday, October 1st Tours from 10 AM to 1PM The advantages of a Christ the King Catholic education... Over $80 million in college scholarships offered over the past 5 years Thousands of college credits earned by students while in attendance at CK “On-the-spot” scholarships offered by Catholic universities visiting CK Over $4.5 million awarded in 4-year academic scholarships to incoming freshmen in the past 5 years Highly acclaimed Theatre Arts Program Top ranking Speech & Debate and Mathematics teams Microsoft licensed IT Program Nationally recognized Sports Program Campus Ministry and Community Service Program Full range of extracurricular activities Serphin R. Maltese, Chairman • Michael W. Michel, President Peter J. Mannarino, Principal 68-02 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village, NY 11379 (718) 366-7400, EXT. #240 Guaranteed Fixed Tuition Rate (guaranteed not to increase over 4 years) CK Continuing Education Catholic School Loyalty Award ($2,000 over four years offered to students currently attending a Catholic grammar school/academy)
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