You've graduated. Now here's 5 ways to interview for a job
(BPT) - Picture this: Aft er months
A successful interview is about
Flossers with you. Made with strong
of networking and polishing your
making the right impression, and
fl oss that can quickly remove any
resume, you managed to make the
these fi ve soft skills are essential to
gunk stuck in your teeth, these
necessary connections, get in front of
making the impression that leads to
convenient one-handed fl ossers also
the right people and land an interview.
a job off er.
double as a toothpick. Don't leave
You deserve to be here. Aft er all,
1. A memorable appearance. We
home without them!
you have an impressive background,
all know you need to dress your best
3. Exude confidence. Beyond just
great experience, fantastic references
before going into an interview, but
making you look good, the big reason
and are confi dent you can exceed the
you should go the extra mile to ensure
behind dressing well and double
requirements of the job. The interview
the person you meet with remembers
checking that your teeth are clean
is really just a formality.
you. In addition to looking clean, tidy
and free of gunk is because this
For many, the hardest part of the job
and professional, dress in a way that
will give you confidence. Hiring
hunt is simply getting an interview.
makes you feel confi dent and will
managers can tell the difference
However, many top candidates get
make others notice.
between someone who is confident
passed over and are surprised when
2. Be ready to fl oss on the go. If
and someone who is not. Needless to
they are not off ered a job. The reason
someone notices something in your
say, they're more impressed by confidence!
for this is they oft en spend a lot of time
teeth, a piece of spinach or fleck
So even if you're nervous,
practicing how to answer questions
of cereal, they won't be able to see
dress up, keep clean, give a firm
and explaining their qualifi cations,
anything else. Before any interview,
handshake and-if you have to-fake
but forget about the soft skills.
be sure to have a pack of Plackers
it until you make it!
4. Keep it positive. How you answer
questions is oft en just as important as
the answers you give. Always frame
what you say in a positive note. In describing
diffi cult managers or poor work
conditions at other companies, frame it
as a challenge you were happy to take on,
an opportunity to learn and grow. Most
importantly, remember to smile!
5. Eat well. You might be nervous
and lose your appetite, but be sure
you eat well the night before and the
morning of the interview. Whole
grains and foods loaded with fatty
acids, such as salmon, eggs and kale,
can help you feel great and relaxed for
the interview. Just remember to have
a few Plackers Flossers on hand so
that energizing meal doesn't become
an unsightly mess in your mouth!