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5 yard updates you can complete in a fall weekend
If you love spending time in your
yard, the end of summer can mark
a period of sadness thinking about
the colder temperatures and shorter
days you must endure before getting
back outside.
One sure cure for the blues is looking
forward to something fun. Get a
head start on spring and use the time
now to complete a project that will
enhance your yard. Whether you've
been wanting a patio, a zen garden
or just some new fl ower beds, fall
weekends are an ideal time to make it
happen. By spring, they'll be ready and
waiting for your fi nishing touches!
With the help of rental equipment,
you can get these jobs done in a fraction
of the time and with much less
of an investment than purchasing
expensive tools yourself. Here are fi ve
weekend projects you can complete
this fall and dream about all winter.
* Zen garden: Building a free-standing,
minimalist zen garden is a simple
but powerfully eff ective way to add
beauty and texture to a lawn or patio.
To get a head start in the fall, plan
where you'd like to set that rectangle
of tranquility in your yard. Once that's
measured and marked off , you can
rent a sod cutter to almost eff ortlessly
remove the grass. Before the ground
freezes, give that rectangle a stone
border, and cover with a tarp. When
spring comes, the foundation of your
zen space will be ready and waiting
for you to add plants, shrubs, gravel,
lanterns and maybe a statue or two.
* Pond: This fall, choose a sunny spot in
your yard to build your pond, and then
rent a tool, like a mini-excavator, to move
the dirt and even carve out the terraces.
When that job is done, you'll have plenty
of time to get the bulk of the project ready
for spring, such as adding your sand
layer, the waterproof liner and installing
the pump. Finally, arrange the rocks to
create a beautiful and natural-looking
perimeter that's waiting for spring and
the addition of water and plants.
* Patio and pergola: When you compare
a paver-brick patio with a traditional
wood deck, the advantages of the
patio are very evident. Patios are easy
for do-it-yourselfers to complete in a
weekend or two, they're less expensive
to build and they're easier to maintain
and repair. You can also add a pergola to
create a beautiful space for outdoor dining
and entertaining. With the help of
a rented post hole digger, you can have
the posts in place before the snow fl ies.
* Flower beds: Flower beds add beauty
to your yard, but they can accomplish
so much more. Wide beds along
property lines can create a privacy
buff er between you and the rest of the
world and increase the curb appeal of
your home. Preparing the bed in the
fall means less dirt work in the spring,
so you can spend that time getting
plants in the ground. The good news
is, if you decide you want the bed to be
bigger, you can just rent a walk-behind
skid steer and get the job done quickly.
* Fire pit: Nothing's better than sitting
around the fi re with friends and loved
ones. Fire pits are the ideal fall project
because you can start enjoying it almost
right away. Whether you add to an existing
patio or start new, renting a cement
mixer and a paver saw for custom-fi tted
pieces can help you create a functional
new feature in just a weekend or two.
Find the rental companies, tools
and equipment in your neighborhood
that can help you make your vision a
reality at RentalHQ.com.
Courtesy BPT