DocCare opens third facility in Ridgewood to serve more patients
DocCare continues to expand
across Ridgewood, as they
opened their newest facility
on Fresh Pond Road in January — and
the third DocCare on the commercial
strip — to bring even more services to
the people of the neighborhood.
Just over 20 years ago President
and CEO of DocCare, Alan Bigman
M.D., opened Ridgewood’s fi rst Doc-
Care facility at 66-55 Fresh Pond Rd.
During that time the single facility
was responsible for catering to all the
needs of their patients.
Now that there are a total of three
DocCare facilities right on Fresh Pond
Road, Bigman explained, it allows Doc-
Care to off er diff erent practices at the
diff erent locations rather than trying
to do everything in one place.
The facility located at 66-55 Fresh Pond
Rd. is now used for primary care and
urgent care patients, allowing doctors
to see more patients, causing wait times
to see a physician to decrease dramatically.
By allowing urgent care patients
to be seen at a quicker rate, it really helps
patients get the services and care they
need without having to spend hours in
a waiting room or an emergency room.
“When you do primary care and urgent
care in one location in the campus
of multispecialty, it’s a one-stop-shop,”
Bigman said.
The second facility in Ridgewood, located
at 68-23 Fresh Pond Rd., is solely
for cardiology and gastroenterology,
and off ers offi ce-based surgery including
colonoscopies and endoscopies,
which can be done right in the offi ce.
“The procedures can be done right
there with light anesthesia,” Bigman
said. “So they don’t have to go to the
hospital; they don’t have to spend a
whole day in the hospital. Not only is
it convenient, it’s effi cient.”
The newest Fresh Pond Road facility
has doctors specializing in orthopedics,
podiatry, hand surgery, neurology,
as well as six-day-a-week x-ray
capabilities. Patients can also receive
treatment for mild to moderate pain
management, urology and dermatology
issues, minor surgeries, and several
other practices and procedures.
“It’s been going very well. I’m
pleased and I’m excited,” Bigman
said of the newest facility. “It’s just
the beginning of the next step of the
neighborhood. For me, it’s more of
a purposing mission to continue to
deliver the best healthcare we can in
a very easy, condensed location in a
densely populated area, and give people
access as the entry point to a level
of comprehensive sophistication that
didn’t exist prior.”
Opening several facilities in Ridgewood
has allowed DocCare to not only
provide residents with comprehensive
coverage for a wide variety of issues, but
to also become a major employer in the
neighborhood by creating 40 new job
openings in 11 months, and they are in
the process of fi lling six more positions.
DocCare takes most insurances at
all of its eight facilities across Queens,
Long Island and Brooklyn.
Photos by Anthony Giudice
Ridgewood Times
President and CEO of DocCare,
Alan Bigman, M.D.
The DocCare facility
Paid for and authorized by Grace For New York
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to all those who serve.”
Senator Jose R. Peralta