Cancer survivors lead the way at
the Middle Village Relay for Life
Fighting cancer one step at
a time in Middle Village
More than $200,000 was raised
for the American Cancer
Society during the Middle
Village Relay for Life held on June
24-25 at the Brennan Field running
track in Juniper Valley Park. Teams
of participants ran or walked laps
around the track to benefi t the organization
supporting cancer research
and treatment. Prior to the start of
the event on Saturday aft ernoon, the
relay organizers honored cancer
survivors by letting them walk a
“Survivors’ Lap” on the course fi rst,
followed by the teams. The event
continued into the night and included
a luminaria ceremony, where candles
were lit in memory of cancer victims
or in honor of cancer survivors.
Photos by Dean Moses
The Christ the King High School Marching Band Caregivers of cancer patients were honored.
Relay for Life
Police Offiffi cer Charles Sadler
(at left) of the 104th Precinct
walked/ran 104 laps at the
Middle Village Preparatory Charter School