CK Campus
W h e r e t h e c o m m u n i t y c o m e s t o g e t h e r
Christ the King Campus schools,
but always remain part of the family
All three schools on the
Christ the King (CTK)
Campus held graduation
ceremonies earlier this
month, sending their
students off to further their
education and spiritual
growth. Although the
graduation season signals
the end of a school year, it is
not the end of the students’
time at the CTK Campus,
as many students return to
continue their education
and even to work at one of the
schools on the campus.
On Monday, June 19, CTK Pre-K
held their annual graduation
ceremony. In all, 92 students
graduated, many of whom have
been in the CTK Daycare/Preschool
since they were infants and toddlers.
Although the students are now
leaving to attend Kindergarten, many
return to CK Kids to participate in
aft er school activities – continuing
to grow up in the CK community.
The CTK Daycare/ Preschool is
like a second home for many of the
youngsters ages 6 weeks to 5 years old, and
while walking through the halls or attending
any of the CTK Daycare/Preschool events, the
family-like atmosphere is evident.
“Everywhere you go in our community there
is a good possibility that you will run into
one of our Pre-K graduates,” said Educational
Director, Dorothy Wagner, a CTK High
School alumni who has worked in the CTK
Daycare/Preschool since its opening in
1993. “We are so proud when we hear from
our local public and parochial schools how
well adjusted, successful, and truly talented
our Pre-K graduates are, in grade school,
high school, college, and their professional
careers. Way to Go CK – Pre-K Grads!”
When pursuing a career in education,
numerous students have come back
Joe Arbitello (Class of ’95) and
Veronica Oswiecimski (Class of ’88)
who met at CTK and got married
Students walking down the aisle during the Christ the
King High School graduation ceremony Th e Christ the King High School graduating class of 2017
Th e 2017 graduating class of MVP
to the CTK Daycare/Preschool to
complete their observations and
student teaching. One such
Students graduate
MVP graduates
example is Francesca
T o g e t h e
e r n c e m a e a d i f f e r e Francesca is one of the fi rst
CTK Daycare/Preschool
graduates to work as an
Assistant Teacher while
attending Baruch College.
She started in the CTK
Daycare/Preschool at
1 years old and holds a
special place in her heart
for the CTK schools.
Th at love of CTK comes
naturally for Francesca
as both of her parents are
proud alumni.
Her father James Schurr,
graduated in ‘78, and her
mom Margaret Zuzworsky
Schurr, graduated in ‘79.
Th ey married, had three
daughters and were
happy to hear from fellow
graduate and Director Dorothy Wagner, Class
of ‘79, about the CTK Daycare/Preschool, and
they eagerly enrolled all three of their daughters.
Margaret Schurr returned to CTK in June of
1997 and began working as the
Offi ce & Human Resources
Manager and has enjoyed
working and being part of
the CK family ever since.
Francesca loves working
with children and
considers CTK her home
away from home, and
she brings the joy of her
own childhood memories
to share with this next
generation of CK Kids.
Mi d d l e Vi l l a g e
Preparatory Charter
School (MVP) also
held their graduation
ceremony on Wednesday,
June 21, and saw 102
students graduate the
8th grade. Aft er leaving
the charter school, 32
students are going to Maspeth High School,
8 students are going to Williamsburg Charter
High School, and 15 students will be staying
on the CTK Campus and to attend Christ
the King High School.
Christ the King High
School celebrated its
graduation ceremony on
Saturday, June 3, which
saw 167 students earn their
This year, Christ the
King students have been
accepted to following
schools: Adelphi, Arizona
State, Bentley, Boston
University, Carnegie
Mellon, CUNY, C.W. Post,
Drexel, Duke, Fairfield,
Fairleigh Dickenson, Florida
State, Fordham, Georgetown,
Hofstra, Howard, Iona, Johnson
& Wales, Lehigh, LIU, Macaulay
Honors College at Hunter College,
Manhattanville, Marist, MIT, New
York Institute of Technology, New
York University, Notre Dame, Pace,
Penn State, Purdue, Quinnipiac,
Rutgers, Sacred Heart, Santa Clara,
Seton Hall, Siena, St. Bonaventure,
St. Francis, St. John’s, St. Joseph’s,
St. Temple, Thomas Aquinas,
SUNY, University of California at
San Diego, U Conn, University of
Pennsylvania, University of South Carolina,
Utica, Wake Forest, Wells College, USMA at
West Point, West Virginia State, and Yale, with
scholarships totaling over $16 million.
When students leave Christ the King High
School, they do not say goodbye forever. In
fact, 16 alumni currently work at the high
school, including the Campus Minister,
Father Frank Specek who graduated in the
Class of 1988.
Some of the high school’s teachers have even
met and got married, such as Joe Arbitello
(Class of ’95) and Veronica Oswiecimski (Class
of ’88) who met while teaching in the Social
Studies Department; and Deacon Paul Norman
(Class of ’77) is married to Alum, Leonora
Cartafalsa (Class of ’84).
When students attend one of the schools on
the CTK Campus it is a lifelong commitment
to their ever-growing community.
Photos courtesy of Christ the
King High School and