In addition to those amazing service projects and efforts,
the Ridgewood 3-2-1 Kiwanis Club also:
• Co-Sponsored multiple events for 2 community families,
fundraising over $60,000 for medical and living costs.
• Donated $1,000 to a members family to keep them from
being evicted from their home.
• Donated $1,000 to a members family for medical
and living expenses.
• Donated $1,500 to a members son who is in Kidney
failure and needs a transplant.
• Donated $500 in Gift Cards to distribute to Kiwanis CA
Governor for victims of the Wildfires.
• Donated over 4,000 items to the local food Pantries
with another 4,000 projected by end of September.
• Partnered with the 104th NYPD Precinct to provide food
and other items for a Domestic Violence involved family.
• Marched in the local Memorial Day Parade with the largest
contingent of Kiwanians in many years.
• Initiated the SAFE HAVEN Program with local businesses
for children and seniors throughout our communities.
• Sponsored families in need for Christmas and
co-sponsored a Thanksgiving meal for 100 families.
• Participated in two St. Mary's Children's Hospital
Walk-a-Thons and donated $4,850.
• Distributed 900 Backpacks with School supplies to needy
students last September and will duplicate those efforts this September.
• Distributed 175 Blessing Bags (in 3 months) to Mothers who give birth at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
Target: 600 by September 30th.
• Distinguished as the Community Partner of the Year by the 104th NYPD Precinct Community Council.
• Purchased TWO Pediatric Trauma Kits @ $1,000 each for our local Firehouses.
• Meetings are held every First and Third Wednesday of the month with over 60 members and friends present.
AKTION Club Easter Dinner and Egg Hunt at GRYC Clubhouse.
Members of Ridgewood 3-2-1 pose with Easter Bunny.
City Council Members, NYPD Brass and Bob Monahan met to discuss
Law Explorer Posts at Queens Precincts.
25 Sets of Sheets were donated to St. Mary’s Hospital
for NEW Wing for Children.
St. Patrick”s and St. Joseph’s Fiest Days were celebrated
at Ridgewood Kiwanis