A classic symbol of commitment
Marriage, ideally, is something that
is without end, just like the closed circle
of a wedding band. Engagement
rings, wedding bands and wedding
rings symbolically promise an eternity
shared between two people who
love each other.
There are three diff erent types of
wedding jewelry. The engagement
ring, usually featuring a diamond, is
given at the time of the proposal. The
wedding band is given during the marriage
ceremony. And the wedding ring,
which is really a more ornate wedding
band, can be given at the ceremony
or as a gift later on (such as for an
Several ancient cultures looked at
the circle as never-ending and its center
as a doorway to an unknown and
promising future. It's believed that
the original tradition of the wedding
band was started in Egypt nearly 5,000
years ago. At that time, the band was
made from reeds woven together into
a circle.
Eventually, rings were made from
other, more-durable materials, such
as leather, bone, ivory and wood. Expensive
rings became status symbols.
Romans made betrothal rings of iron
for permanence and engraved the
metal to show their ownership of the
women they claimed.
Around A.D. 860, the church started
using ornate metal rings as part of
marriage ceremonies, but in the 13th
century the church discouraged the
use of showy ring, preferring simple
bands to signify a pure union. Some
cultures today still dictate that a wedding
band be plain, to emphasize that
the union is for love and not for riches.
Modern couples have a variety of
band materials to choose from, including
gold (yellow, rose or white), platinum,
zirconium, tungsten, titanium,
steel and ceramic. While diamonds are
the most traditional for engagement
rings, many other precious gemstones
can be used. Many brides-to-be also
give their fi ances gemstone engagement
rings. The couple should look at
the cut, color and clarity of the stone.
A reputable jeweler can advise about
the quality of gemstones.
Aside from personal aesthetic
preferences, other factors should be
considered when choosing wedding
bands and rings, such as one's work,
lifestyle and budget. Tungsten carbide
is exceptionally strong, scratch-resistant
and hypoallergenic, making it
a good choice for someone who uses
his hands a lot, such as a building contractor.
While silver is a popular and
economical choice, it will tarnish faster
and is also more pliable. This may not
be a good choice if one's work or activities
put a lot of stress on the hands.
Fittingly, although the materials,
styles and customs of wedding bands
and rings have changed over the years,
the symbolism has remained the same:
Marriage is a never-ending bond.
Courtesy Creators.com