Dear Son, Jacob Altamirano
It wasn’t that long ago that I dressed you in your green
polo shirt, khaki pants, velcro sneakers, and walked you
into PS290Q. Where your kindergarten teacher told me
that you would be OK and not to worry. How can you
be graduating from elementary school already?
Missing your graduation, saying goodbye to the friends
you’ve made but having to do it over Zoom, and getting
used to remote learning, all while being concerned for the
health of the people around you. Yet Once again you have
shown not only your resilience but your dedication to your
community, by using this time to help those in need. You
have such a strong sense of empathy and humanitarianism
that drives you to help the people around you.
290Q and your accomplishments. From helping your
teachers to being mindful of your classmates, to your
ability to express your thoughts, beliefs, and creativity
in writing, I’ve been so, incredibly proud of you. I’ve
seen your ability to adapt and settle into new settings
and routines. Though it wasn’t always easy, you worked
through it and held your head high.
on this earth, one thing I have seen grow as well is your
heart. The love you display for your sister and how you
protect her tells me I’m raising a good man. I honestly
don’t know what I ever did to deserve such an amazing
and special blessing like you. Your sister and I love you
very much and all the countless qualities, quirks, and
special characteristics that we adore about you. When
you smile, I thank God, and think of how lucky we are
to have you in our lives.
Now as you embrace this next stage in your life and
move on to middle school in a bigger building, with new
teachers & friends, I want you to remember that though
it may be a bit scary, it will be an incredibly rewarding
experience. As you meet new people remember to show
them your heart, because it’s what truly makes you the
amazing boy you are. That, I believe, is the foundation
of the incredible man I know you’ll become.
Just remember, no matter how big you get, even when
I have to stand on my tip-toes to hug you, you’ll always
be my sweet little boy. I, and your sister, will always love
you forever, like we have since the day you were born.
Keep letting your light, spirit, and heart shine. We can’t
wait to see what’s in store for you!
~ Mom Connie Altamirano
Famous Artist Ambato, Ecuador:
Fabricio Martinez Fiallos
I’m so proud of my little brother and I know this is a
stepping stone to his great success. I love him so much
and I can’t wait to see him continue on to middle school.
~ Big Sister Jamie Longo