Maspeth’s fi rst Starbucks to open later this month
The signs in the windows that
read “Coming Soon” created a
slight buzz before people even
got to drink the coff ee, but Maspeth’s
fi rst Starbucks cafe will be open in a
matter of days, according to a company
Located in the Shops at Grand Avenue
where Mattress Firm used to be,
the Starbucks is set to open by the end
of the month, the spokesperson said.
The cafe will be rather expansive
at 2,000 square feet and will employ
approximately 20 employees, said the
“Starbucks is always looking for
great locations to better meet the
needs of our customers, and we are
happy to confi rm that we will be opening
a new location on Grand Avenue
in Queens, NY, later this month,” the
spokesperson said.
The move comes at a time when the
coff ee corporation is in hot water for
an incident that took place in one of its
stores in Philadelphia.
On April 12, two black men were
arrested inside a Starbucks aft er they
asked to use the restroom and were
reportedly told it was for paying customers
only. The men then reportedly took a
seat in the cafe without buying anything,
the manager called the police, and the
men were arrested for trespassing.
No charges were fi led in the incident,
but a patron of the cafe at the time
captured the arrest on video that has
since gone viral, sparking several days
of protests.
Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson
released a video apology on the
Starbucks website and said, “What
happened in the way that incident escalated
and the outcome was nothing
but reprehensible, and I’m sorry.”
Johnson also reportedly met with
the two men who were arrested to
personally apologize on April 17.
Photo by Ryan Kelley/Ridgewood Times
The "Coming Soon" sign in the window of the Starbucks location on
Grand Avenue that will open later this month.
Ridgewood students raise
change for cancer fi ght
The Peer Mediation Program at Ridgewood’s I.S. 93 recently helped with
a special fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Students
and staff fi lled "fundraising boxes" with their spare change, then
walked the boxes over to the Coinstar machine inside the Stop and Shop
supermarket on Myrtle Avenue in Glendale. In all, they raised nearly $950
for the organization dedicated to helping people fi ghting blood cancer. Among
those pictured with the Peer Mediation members are Mildred Reyes, I.S. 93
parent coordinator, and guidance counselors Debby Hartz and Oscar Bautista.
Photo courtesy of Debby Hartz
Glendale Kiwanis gives
Queens College affi liate
a new lease on life
This year the Queens College Circle K Club was reactivated by their sponsoring
club, the Kiwanis Club of Glendale. According to Glendale Kiwanis
President Kerrie Hansen, the Circle K club started the year with
high energy and continue to build a strong membership at Queens College.
The Circle K Club went to the Circle K District conference up in Albany, and
where their faculty advisor, John Carlson, and QC Circle K vice president, Julie
Antignani, were given awards for the outstanding work that they do. Justin
Bennett from the QC Circle K Club was elected the lieutenant governor for
the Empire’s Circle K Division. Shown at a recent Glendale Kiwanis meeting
are (from left to right) Carlson, Antignani, Hansen and Bennett.
Photo courtesy of Kerrie Hansen