POLICE BEAT Compiled by Robert Pozarycki
Hot under the collar over his pay, a
disgruntled construction worker was
busted this week for trying to set fi re
to a Elmhurst restaurant that his employer
owns, fi re marshals announced.
Andrew Chung, 41, of 84th Avenue
in Jamaica entered the Islander
Seafood Restaurant located at 79-21
Queens Blvd. at 11 a.m. on April 4 carrying
a 5-gallon container of gasoline.
According to the criminal complaint
that the Queens District Attorney’s
offi ce provided, Chung allegedly said
that he was going to burn down the
restaurant and kill the owner.
Fire Department sources said that
Chung proceeded to splash it across
the eatery, soaking a female employee
in the process.
Restaurant workers were able to
restrain Chung before he could light
the place on fi re, but fi re marshals
said that he managed to escape their
grasp. He fl ed the scene before police
offi cers and Fire Department personnel
The FDNY released security camera
footage of Chung allegedly spreading
gasoline throughout the eatery, including
the kitchen.
Following an investigation, fi re marshals
apprehended Chung near his
residence. They learned that Chung
attempted to torch the restaurant aft er
getting into a beef with his his employer,
who owns the establishment.
“If the gasoline had been lit, many
lives would have been in peril because
of this dangerous act,” Fire Commissioner
Daniel Nigro said in an April 6
Chung was charged with second-degree
attempted arson, attempted
assault, reckless endangerment and
criminal possession of a weapon. According
to court records, he remains
held on $200,000 cash or $100,000
bond bail, and must return to court
on April 20.
Persons arrested in recent police
actions as reported by the 104th
Precinct include the following:
April 2: (Beat 10) Robert Skica, at 58th
Drive, for assault, by P.O. Bartichek.
(Beat 12) Stanley Moore, at Metropolitan
Avenue, for robbery, by Det. Gerardi.
(Beat 2) Steven Jones, at Myrtle Avenue,
for criminal mischief, by Det. Bazilio.
April 3: (Beat 4) Misiah Mackey, at 70th
Avenue, for aggravated harassment, by
Det. Moon. (Beat 12) Konrad Siepiola, at
67th Drive, for assault, by P.O. Gianesses.
April 4: (Beat 5) Daniel Poulos, at 69th
Place, for assault, by P.O. Vasquez.
(Beat 15) Richard Valera, at Tonsor
Street and Metropolitan Avenue, for
aggravated unlicensed operator, by
P.O. Lin. (Beat 6) Tanach Lordthao, at
72nd Street, for criminal mischief, by
Det. Gerardi. (Beat 5) Javier Garcia,
at 71st Street and Myrtle Avenue, for
criminal obstruction of breathing and
criminal contempt, by Det. Demarco.
April 5: (Beat 5) Gissela Andrade, at
69th Place, for criminal mischief, by
Det. Feldman. (Beat 8) Zhuacheng
Zhang, at 52nd Road, for assault, by
P.O. Casella. (Beat 2) Shallick Ivory, at
Palmetto Street and Cypress Avenue,
for aggravated unlicensed operator,
by P.O. Reyes. (Beat 14) Sujoy Das, at
59th Road, for aggravated harassment,
by P.O. Petito. (Beat 16) Salvatore Stazonne,
at Cooper Avenue, for grand
larceny, by Det. Demarco. (Beat 13)
John Gonzalez, at Stanhope Street, for
unauthorized use of a vehicle, by P.O.
Anderson. (Beat 12) Michael J. Delbello,
at Penelope Avenue and 88th Street,
for criminal obstruction of breathing,
by P.O. Campbell. (Beat 16) Michael Polo,
at Myrtle Avenue, for aggravated harassment,
by Det. Scrimenti. (Beat 13)
Daniel J. Ortiz, at Onderdonk Avenue
and Stanhope Street, for aggravated
unlicensed operator, by P.O. Weisinger.
April 6: (Beat 4) Nicholas J. Ventura,
at 70th Avenue, for criminal mischief,
by P.O. Mays. (Beat 4) Christopher Allende,
at Myrtle Avenue, for assault, by
P.O. Dick. (Beat 14) Steward E. Naula,
at Eliot Avenue and 69th Street, for
aggravated unlicensed operator, by
P.O. Nisbett.
April 7: (Beat 10) Patrick J. O’Malley,
at Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan
Avenue, for DWI, by P.O. Ziman. (Beat
13) Christian Velez, at Metropolitan
and Nurge avenues, for DWI, by P.O.
Burger. (Beat 2) Joseph Mendoza, at
St. Nicholas and Myrtle avenues, for
aggravated unlicensed operator, by
P.O. Nardello. (Beat 2) Samuel Semprit,
at Woodbine Street, for criminal
mischief, by Det. Diaz. (Beat 2) Desire
Farren and John Jerome, at Wyckoff
Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O.
Giordani. (Beat 6) Wladyslaw Ciupak,
at 63rd Avenue, for menacing, by P.O.
Mamani-Campos. (Beat 3) Narciso
Nunez, at George Street and Wyckoff
Avenue, for criminal possession of a
weapon, by P.O. Mark. (Beat 5) Luis
A. Rodriguez, at 78th and Cypress
avenues, for aggravated unlicensed
operator, by P.O. Valdez.
April 8: (Beat 10) Franklin Loello, at
56th Avenue, for petit larceny, by P.O.
Johnson. (Beat 6) Angela A. Amaya, at
83rd Street and 60th Road, for assault,
by P.O. Llanos.
The 104th Precinct, located at 64-02
Catalpa Ave. in Ridgewood, can be
reached by calling 718-386-3004. It
was noted that all criminal charges are
accusations, and all persons listed in
this blotter are presumed innocent until
proven guilty.
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Police in Corona are urging residents
to exercise caution in the area
as they look for two knife-wielding
men responsible for a pair of recent
street robberies.
The fi rst incident occurred at 9:05
p.m. on March 28 in the area of 50th
Avenue and 98th Street. According
to law enforcement sources, two unidentifi
ed Hispanic men approached
a 30-year-old man, displayed a knife
and removed the victim’s wallet.
Four nights later, at 9:30 p.m. on
April 1, the crooks struck again at
the corner of Corona Avenue and
Junction Boulevard. Authorities
said the suspects again displayed a
knife, this time at a 26-year-old man,
struck him with an unknown object
and removed his watch. The victim
wound up being treated for a minor
Both holdups were reported to the
110th Precinct. The precinct alerted
residents on April 7 through a post
on its Twitter account.
Anyone with information regarding
the robbery series can call the
110th Precinct Detective Squad at
718-476-9317. If you see a robbery in
progress, call 911 immediately.