MTA implements new bus boarding measure
Getting on and off the bus while
maintaining a safe distance
between straphangers will
be easier come March 23 with reardoor
boarding available on local
and Select Buses, according to the
The latest social distancing
measure aims to protect commuters
— most likely essential service
staff, as non-essential workers
are prohibited from going to work
come Monday morning — but also to
lower the risk to transit workers on
the front lines of snuffing out the
Union leaders from the Transport
Workers Union Local 100, the Amalgamated
Transit Union and MTA
Chair Pat Foye announced this will
be the norm as long as the public
health crisis exists.
The only buses where boarding
will remain the same are express
lines. On these, commuters will not
be allowed to occupy the first three
rows to protect drivers.
“While Governor Cuomo has
ordered non-essential workers
beginning Sunday night to remain
in their homes and not take mass
transit, we are taking aggressive
action to protect our thousands
of frontline employees who are
delivering a critical service to New
York, moving the healthcare workers,
first responders, utility workers
and essential employees who
are protecting us from this public
health crisis,” Foye said.
“Transit workers are the lifeblood
of this city and region and we are
going to do everything we can to
protect their health and safety,” he
TWU Local 100 President Tony
Utano, in a statement, pointed out
that as essential workers there are
understandable risks during crises,
but that acceptance can only go so
far without the proper measures.
Not only did he rear-door boarding
would be an adequate measure
but stated that it would be a morale
“We know we are essential
workers providing an essential service
during this national emergency
— but we also need to be protected to
the greatest extent possible,” Utano
said. “This is the right move. It will
better protect our bus operators,
give them some peace of mind, and
demonstrate that their concerns
have been heard.”
Sunday morning, Cuomo held
his daily press conference updating
the public on developments in
the coronavirus spread and blasted
members of the public who are still
utilizing public space against the
recommendations of the government.
Moreover, he said he had met
with Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council
Speaker Corey Johnson to urge
them to open up roadways as well as
better enforce congestion measures
that ban gatherings of more than 10
people at a time.
Opening streets would offer
new forms of transportation to be
utilized on a more widespread basis
and would go along with Cuomo’s
mandate to include bicycle repair
shops in the range of essential services
allowed to stay open during
the state of emergency.
“We also recognize maintenance
workers for their rigorous daily
disinfecting of the buses. Hopefully
the public will listen to the governor
and travel only when essential,”
said ATU Local 726 President Daniel
Photo by Dean Moses
Small businesses can apply for SBA disaster loans
Small businesses in New York City that have
suffered economic losses due to the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic can now apply for
disaster loans provided through the U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA).
SBA’s ability to provide these loans is based
on a measure that Congresswoman Grace Meng
and Reps. Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) and Judy Chu
(D-CA) helped pass into law. The provision was
part of the recently enacted coronavirus spending
package that allocated $8.3 billion in federal
funds to address the outbreak.
The loans became available in New York after
the SBA approved New York state’s disaster
declaration on March 19. Small businesses in all
counties throughout New York state can begin applying
for the Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
Meng, a member of the House Appropriations
Committee, the panel responsible for funding all
federal agencies and programs, said she’s thankful
that establishments in Queens and across New
York can now access the financial resources that
they desperately need.
“Small businesses play an integral role in our
economy and throughout our communities. Our
government must continue to be there for them
during this difficult and uncertain period, and I
urge all impacted businesses to take advantage of
this critical assistance,” Meng said. “As Congress
works on a third relief package for families, I will
continue to advocate for and support policies that
help small businesses during this time of need.”
The SBA’s loan program provides working capital
loans of up to $2 million to help overcome the
temporary loss of revenue. Those that receive a
loan can use the funds to pay fixed debts, payroll,
accounts payable or other bills that cannot be
paid because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Once a borrower submits an application, approval
timelines depend on volume. The typical
timeline for approval is two to three weeks and
disbursement can take up to five business days.
Borrowers are assigned individual loan officers
for servicing of the loan.
Small businesses seeking SBA disaster loan
relief are first encouraged to contact a representative
from the New York Small Business
Development Center (SBDC). There are over
22 campus-based centers and outreach offices
across New York to assist clients with the loan
For businesses located in Queens, email Queens
College SBDC at sbdc@qc.cuny.edu; LaGuardia
Community College SBDC at sbdc@lagcc.cuny.
edu; or York College SBDC at sbdc@york.cuny.
For additional information, borrowers should
contact the SBA Disaster Assistance customer
service center by calling 1-800-659-2955 or emailing
Those that require immediate assistance from
Congresswoman Meng’s office, can call 718-358-
MENG or email at NY06casework@mail.house.
Photo via Getty Images