

30 MARCH 9, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM TV GUIDE Friday Evening March 10, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) MacGyver: Flash light. (TV14) (N) Ha waii Five-0: Puka ‘ana. (N) Blue Bloods Skips call for help. (N) CBS 2 News Late Show (N) NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Ac cess Grimm: Blood Magic. (TV14) (N) Date line NBC (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Rose wood: Bac te rium. (TV14) (:01) Sleepy Hol low: In sa tia ble. (N) News (N) Street (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop ardy! (N) Wheel (N) Man Stand. Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank En tre pre neurs share. (:01) 20/20 In ves ti ga tive news. News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) Amer i can Ninja War rior (TVPG) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry: Terrence Howard. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Vam pire Di a ries (TV14) (N) The Vam pire Di a ries (TV14) (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Wash. Week The Week (N) Mak ers: Com edy. Fe male com ics. Mak ers: Com edy. Fe male com ics. Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Wealth Trk (N) An dre Rieu: Waltz ing For ever (TV G) Acous tic Eve ning at Vi enna Op era House (TV G) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Dale Re play Clips de TV. (N) Vino el amor Sueño americano. La Piloto Viajes ilegales. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) Boxeo TLMD Saturday Evening March 11, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 (6:00) Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Ran som: The Art ist. (TV14) (N) NCIS: Los An geles (TVPG) 48 Hours In ves ti ga tive re port CBS 2 News Blue Bloods NBC 4 Paid Pro gram 1st Look The Voice Hope fuls coached. Taken CIA op er a tive. (TV14) Sat ur day Night Live (TV14) News (N) SNL (TV14) FOX 5 Col lege Bball Postgame 24: Leg acy: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM. APB: Hate of Com rade. (TV14) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) MasterChef Ju nior: Like Gordon. ABC 7 News (N) Wheel NBA Count NBA Bas ket ball: Golden State War riors at San An to nio Spurs from AT&T Cen ter (Live) Eye wit ness News Sat ur day (N) MNT 9 Ma jor Crimes: Snitch. (TV14) Rizzoli & Isles: Best Laid Plans. Rizzoli & Isles: Knock out. An ger (TV14) An ger (TV14) Gi ants La tino (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars News (N) Honeymooners Honeymooners PBS 13 Old House Old House Keep ing Up As Time The Man chu rian Can di date aaac (1962, Thriller) Frank Si na tra. ‘NR’ (:15) Within the Whirl wind (2010) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 (TV G) (N) My Mu sic: Rock Re wind: 1967-1969. (TV G) Brit Floyd: The World’s Great est Pink Floyd trib ute. UNI 41 (:55) Crónicas de Sábado (N) Fútbol Liga MX: Guadalajara vs UANL desde Universitario (Directo) (:55) Fútbol Liga MX: Necaxa vs América desde Azteca (Directo) TEL 47 Over the Edge c (2011, Crime) Danny Bed ford. Lord of War aaac (2005, Crime) Nicolas Cage. An arms dealer con fronts his mo ral ity. ‘R’ Noticiero (N) Titulares Sunday Evening March 12, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 60 Min utes (TVPG) (N) NCIS: Los An geles (TV14) (N) Madam Sec re tary (TVPG) (N) El e men tary: Fi del ity. (TV14) (N) CBS 2 News at 11PM (N) NBC 4 Lit tle Big Shots: We’re Back. Lit tle Big Shots: Lit tle Bar ber. (N) Chi cago Jus tice: Judge Not. (N) Shades of Blue (TV14) (N) News (N) News4 NY (N) FOX 5 Bob’s Bur gers Bob’s Bur gers Simp sons (N) His tory (N) Fam ily Guy Last Man (N) News (N) Sports Ex tra Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily ABC 7 Amer ica’s Fun ni est Home Vid eos Once Upon a Time (TVPG) (N) Time Af ter Time: Out of Time. (N) Amer i can Crime (TV14) (N) Eye wit ness News Sunday (N) MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Fam ily Feud Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Laughs An ger (TV14) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Rules (TVPG) Rules (TVPG) Friends Friends News (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 Trea sures of New York (TV G) Mary Ty ler Moore: A Cel e bra tion Northanger Ab bey (2007, Drama) Fe lic ity Jones. ‘NR’ Mas ter piece: Eter nity Ring. Rus sian spy ring. (TVPG) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Friar Alessandro, Voice from Assisi Song col lec tion. Ken Burns: Amer ica’s Sto ry teller (TV G) (N) Fi nan cial So lu tions (TV G) UNI 41 Notanserio Univisión (N) Su nombre era Do lores Vida de Jenni. (TV14) (N) Aquí y ahora Noticias. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Ice Age: The Melt - down (2006) ‘PG’ Siempre niños (N) Don Fran cisco te invita (N) Noticiero (N) Titulares Monday Evening March 13, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Kevin Wait (N) Man Plan (N) Su pe rior (N) 2 Broke Girls Scor pion: Mon key See, Poo. (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Ac cess The Voice: Blind Au di tions. The next star. (TVPG) (N) Taken: Off Side. (TV14) (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily 24: Leg acy: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM. (N) APB: Daddy’s Home. (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop - ardy! Wheel (TV G) The Bach e lor (TVPG) (N) The Bach e lor: Af ter the Fi nal. (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Law & Or der: SVU: Hot house. Law & Or der: SVU: Snatched. News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Howie Mandel All-Star Com edy Gala Stand-up com edy. (TVPG) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) An tiques Roadshow (TV G) The ater Close-Up: The Originalist. (TV G) Char lie Rose PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus SciTech Now For ever Pain less with Miranda Esmonde-White Trav el ing in the ‘70s (TV G) (N) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Pequeños Gigantes USA (N) Vino el amor Sueño americano. La Piloto Viajes ilegales. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Saturday Daytime March 11, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 Coll. B-ball. Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) NBC 4 Give Eng lish Pr. League Soc cer (Live) Pre mier PGA Tour Golf (Live) FOX 5 Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Must Love Dogs aac (2005) ‘PG-13’ Anastos ABC 7 Rock Park Out back TBA X Games: X Games Nor way 2017. Sto ried MNT 9 Paid Paid BestPan! Paid No-Fat Paid Mil lion Dol lar Baby (2004) ‘PG-13’ CW 11 Cos me tics Fab Abs Persn Int. (TV14) Persn Int. (TV14) El e men tary El e men tary PBS 13 Open Mind Cau cus Gwen Ifill (TV G) Mak ers Pati’ Den ver Meals Cook ing Tom Jones PBS 21 Rick Steves (N) Celtic Woman: Des tiny (TV G) Mas ter piece (TVPG) An dre Rieu UNI 41 Pagado Pagado El juego (TVPG) Lánzate! (TV14) (:55) Recuerda González Nosotros TEL 47 SOS: Salva (N) Siempre niños Fast and Fu ri ous: To kyo aac ‘PG-13’ Sunday Daytime March 12, 2017 12PM 12:30 1PM 1:30 2PM 2:30 3PM 3:30 4PM 4:30 CBS 2 In side Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) Col lege Bas ket ball (Live) NBC 4 NHL Hockey: New York vs De troit (Live) PGA Tour Golf (Live) FOX 5 Paid Paid Paid TMZ (TVPG) In side Pre-Race NASCAR Cup Se ries ABC 7 IndyCar Se ries (Live) NBA Cnt NBA Bas ket ball (Live) MNT 9 NJNow Paid Paid Pro gram Paid Paid The X-Files Bones (TV14) CW 11 On Spot An i mal Paid Paid The Next Three Days aaa (2010) ‘PG-13’ Man Stand. PBS 13 NYC Arts Spe cial Event (TV G) Em ery Pati’ Mike Colameco Kitchen PBS 21 Brit Floyd: World’s (TV G) Whole Life Plan (TV G) My Mu sic: Rock Re wind. Night 30 UNI 41 P Gigantes (N) Fútbol (Directo) Fútbol Liga MX (Directo) República dep. TEL 47 Fútbol de Inglaterra (Directo) Enfoque The Next Three Days aaa (2010) ‘PG-13’ Tuesday Evening March 14, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) NCIS: M.I.A.. Re-in ves ti gat ing. (N) NCIS: New Or leans (TV14) (N) NCIS: New Or leans (TV14) (N) CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Ac cess The Voice: Blind Au di tions. (N) This Is Us: Moonshadow. (N) Trial & Er ror Trial & Er ror News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily New Girl (N) (:31) The Mick Bones: Fi nal Chap ter. (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop - ardy! Wheel (TV G) The Mid dle (N) House - wife (N) Fresh Off (N) O’Neals (N) Peo ple Icons: Sur vi vors. (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang The X-Files: Geth sema ne. (TV14) The X-Files: Redux. (TV14) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Flash: Speed Force. (N) DC’s Leg ends of To mor row (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) 1916 The Irish Re bel lion (TVPG) 1916 The Irish Re bel lion (TVPG) 1916 The Irish Re bel lion (TVPG) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus NYC Arts John Den ver: Coun try Boy Mu si cian pro filed. (TV G) BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain (TV G) Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Pequeños Gigantes USA (N) Vino el amor Sueño americano. La Piloto Viajes ilegales. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Wednesday Evening March 15, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 The In sider ET (N) Sur vi vor: Game Chang ers (N) Crim i nal Minds: As sis tance. (N) Crim i nal Minds: Be yond Bor ders CBS 2 News Late Show NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Ac cess The Voice: Best of the. Best mo ments. (TVPG) (N) Chi cago P.D.: You Wish. (TV14) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily Le thal Weapon (TV14) (N) (:01) Star: Showtime. (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop - ardy! Wheel (TV G) Goldbergs (N) Speech - less Mod Fam ily black-ish (N) Des ig nated Sur vi vor (TVPG) (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mar vel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half Ar row: Check mate. (TV14) (N) The 100: We Will Rise. (TV14) (N) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) Na ture: Wild River. (TV G) NOVA: Big Bang. Re start ing LHC. A Year in Space (TVPG) Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus Re port (N) Mas ter piece: Downton Ab bey. Tom’s di lemma. My Mu sic (N) East- End ers East- End ers Metro- Fo cus BBC World UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Pequeños Gigantes USA (N) Vino el amor Sueño americano. La Piloto Viajes ilegales. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares Thursday Evening March 16, 2017 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 CBS 2 2017 NCAA Bas ket ball Tour na ment: Teams TBA. (Live) 2017 NCAA Bas ket ball Tour na ment: Teams TBA. (Live) NBC 4 Ex tra (N) Ac cess Super - store (N) Pow er - less (N) Chi cago Med (TV14) (N) The Black list: Re demp tion (N) News (N) (:35) To night FOX 5 Mod Fam ily Mod Fam ily MasterChef Ju nior (TV14) (N) Kick ing & Scream ing (TV14) (N) FOX 5 News at 10 (N) Big Bang Simp - sons ABC 7 Jeop - ardy! Wheel (TV G) Grey’s Anat omy (TV14) (N) Scan dal: Ex tinc tion. (TV14) (N) The Catch: The Ham mer. (N) News (N) (:35) Kimmel MNT 9 Fam ily Feud Big Bang Bones: Plain Prod igy. (TV14) Bones: Beau ti ful Day. (TV14) News (N) In side Edi tion Harry Co me dic seg ments. (TVPG) CW 11 Two & Half Two & Half The Vam pire Di a ries (TV14) The Vam pire Di a ries (TV14) PIX11 News at Ten w/ John (N) Seinfeld: Stall. Seinfeld PBS 13 The PBS NewsHour (N) NYC Arts (N) Metro- Fo cus Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 (TV G) Du pli cate Char lie Rose (N) PBS 21 Metro- Fo cus WLIW (TV G) Ed Slott’s Re tire ment Roadmap 2017 (TV G) Rock My Soul Gos pel mu sic. (TV G) Metro- Fo cus News (TVPG) UNI 41 La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. Pequeños Gigantes USA (N) Vino el amor Sueño americano. La Piloto Viajes ilegales. (N) Noticias (N) Noticiero (N) TEL 47 Caso cerrado - Edición estelar (N) La Fan Pasión de una fan. (N) La Doña Ambición y justicia. (N) El Chema Narco buscado. (N) Noticiero (N) (:35) Titulares MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES MOVIES

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