GEARING UP FOR FIGHT Voicing Worries At Board 5 Meet Over Cross Harbor Plan Parisen said during the public forum. “It’s going to be put on our rail system, which we already know” is bottlenecked. The Fresh Pond Railyard, which encompasses 10 acres, is already a 24/7 operation and running at full capacity, according to Arcuri. Both he and Parisen indicated the railyard is presently ill-equipped to handle extra trains. Additionally, several concepts under consideration call for the creation of an intermodal freight facility in Maspeth that would result in thousands of trucks traveling through the community, Parisen added. “Make no mistake about it: Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth and Middle Village and other communities will bear the brunt of increased train and truck traffic that the Cross Harbor alternatives will generate,” she said. “Just like the garbage trains had an impact on the neighborhood, this will be detrimental. We need our community board and elected officials behind us to say no.” 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 by Robert Pozarycki Concerns about the Port Authority’s Cross Harbor Freight Project and its potential impact on the community highlighted last Wednesday’s (Jan. 14) Community Board 5 meeting at Christ the King Regional High School in Middle Village. Both Board 5 Chairperson Times Newsweekly, public additional trains—each carrying Vincent Arcuri and Mary Parisen, comment is currently being as many as 100 cars—would be co-chair of Civics United for solicited for the project, which shipped along the Bay Ridge line Railroad and Environmental examines various concepts to and from the Fresh Pond Solutions (CURES), urged including a proposed freight rail Railyard in Glendale, which residents to pay attention to tunnel under New York Harbor serves as the sole junction for developments related to the between Bay Ridge and New freight rail traffic between ongoing project, which aims to Jersey. Increased float barges geographic Long Island and the increase freight rail transportation across the harbor are also being rest of the nation. while reducing truck traffic in the considered. “We know the goal is to take tri-state area. Under these concepts, Parisen trucks off the Hudson River As previously reported in the noted, between 16 and 21 crossings, but then what?” -SEE BOARD 5 ON PG. 28- Offering A Final Salute To Fallen Veterans In Glendale Continuing to ensure that no veteran’s sacrifice is forgotten, the Queens County American Legion Committee held memorial services at Glendale’s George Werst Funeral Home last Wednesday, Jan. 14, for two indigent veterans who recently died. Karl Sutherlands, who served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, died on Oct. 28, 2014, at the age of 68 while under care at New York Community Hospital in Brooklyn. Julio Ortiz-Maldonado, who served in the Army during the Korean War, died on Oct. 13, 2014, two days shy of his 88th birthday. The service was part of the Queens County American Legion Committee’s ongoing efforts to provide proper funerals for deceased, indigent veterans who do not have a next of kin. American Legion members along with local elected officials and representives of lawmakers attended the dual service, which was followed by proper military burials at Calverton National Cemetery in Suffolk County. The cremated remains of Maria Sanchez-Rivera, Ortiz-Maldonado’s wife who died in December 2012, were interred with her husband at Calverton. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS WWOOOODDHHAAVVEENN:: CCiivviicc FFuummeess OOvveerr AAmmbb.. CCoorrppss’’ CClloossuurree............Pg. 1 GLENDALE: Seeking ‘New Direction’ For Shelter Site................Pg. 1 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: BBooaarrdd 66 AAggaaiinnsstt CCBB TTeerrmm LLiimmiitt PPllaann................Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: St. Matthias Kids Crunch Numbers.........Photo, Pg. 1 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Board 5 Concerned Over Harbor Plan........Pg. 3 GGLLEENNDDAALLEE:: FFiinnaall SSaalluuttee TToo IInnddiiggeenntt VVeetteerraannss...............Photos, Pg. 3 OZONE PARK: 106th Precinct Talks Falling Crime.....................Pg. 6 LLAAGGUUAARRDDIIAA AAIIRRPPOORRTT:: GGoovv.. TToouuttss AAiirrTTrraaiinn PPllaann........................Pg. 6 GLENDALE: Cops Looking For Gym Locker Thief............Photo, Pg. 6 CORONA: Comptroller, Council Member Meet Board 4...........Pg. 7 WOODHAVEN: Thief Cuts Worker During Heist.............Photo, Pg. 8 RICHMOND HILL: Board 9 Hears Boulevard SBS Plan............Pg. 10 FFOORREESSTT HHIILLLLSS:: AArrmmeedd CCrrooookk LLoocckkeedd OOuutt IInn FFooiilleedd HHeeiisstt.........Pg. 10 WOODSIDE: Police Seek Store Flasher..................................Pg. 10 ELMHURST: CERT Holds Information Session...............Photo, Pg. 10 RIDGEWOOD: Former Teacher Admits To Teen Trysts.............Pg. 11 WOODSIDE: Crook Orders Up Cash At Bank........................Pg. 11 LONG ISLAND CITY: Bushwick Bicyclist Struck By Truck.............Pg. 13 SOUTH OZONE PARK: Gas Reliability Project To Begin Soon......Pg. 19 FLUSHING: Congresswoman Warns About Immigrant Scams......Pg. 20 OZONE PARK: Bowling For Dollars To Help Veterans......Photos, Pg. 21 FOREST HILLS: Brisk Weekend Sales At Struggling Cinema..........Pg. 21 GLENDALE: St. Pancras Shows Its Giving Spirit................Photo, Pg. 21 RIDGEWOOD: 104th Council’s Self-Defense Course.......Photo, Pg. 24 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS JJaacckkiiee RRoobbiinnssoonn PPaarrkkwwaayy RReehhaabb PPrroojjeecctt OOnn DDeecckk........................Pg. 1 MMaayyoorr SSaayyss VViissiioonn ZZeerroo PPllaann MMaaddee CCiittyy SSttrreeeettss SSaaffeerr..................Pg. 8 VVaann BBrraammeerr TTuurrnnss BBaacckk MMaajjoorriittyy LLeeaaddeerr’’ss SSttiippeenndd.......................Pg. 8 LLaaww EEnnffoorrcceemmeenntt WWaarrnniinngg OOnn ‘‘VViirrttuuaall KKiiddnnaappppiinngg’’....................Pg. 12 Two More Vacancies Filled On Queens Library Board................Pg. 13 Bill Would Prohibit Out-Of-State Cars From Parking Locally.........Pg. 13 City Secures Millions To Expand After-School Programs..............Pg. 14 State Senator Gives Preview Of Legislative Session....................Pg. 58 COLUMNS & LISTINGS My Say...........................Pg. 4 Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 Business Beat...................Pg. 9 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 20 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 22 Community Calendar.....Pg. 22 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 22 TV Listings.....................Pg. 23 The Old Timer................Pg. 25 Social Security News.....Pg. 27 Sports...........................Pg. 62 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly SSUUBBSSCCRRIBBEE TOODDAAYY Too Thhee Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times! 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