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TALKING TRASH AT CB 2 E-Waste Ban, Consumer Gripes Highlight Sunnyside Meet and their locations. There are also many retail stores that have electronic dropoff programs where they collect e-waste and dispose of it in the correct manner. “You will have to take ewaste to ... any of these electronic stores” for disposal Iciano explained. Some retail stores that are involved in these programs are Goodwill, Salvation Army, Best Buy, Staples and the Gowanus EWaste Warehouse. These programs are funded by manufacturers in accordance with NY Sate law, according to an official notice handed out by DSNY. Call 311 or visit to find a full list of electronic stores and locations that participate in this program. “If you live in an apartment building of 10 units or more you can actually enroll your building into an e-cycle NYC program,” Iciano announced. “Once you enroll the building we will 3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 by Anthony Giudice A Department of Sanitation (DSNY) representative visited Community Board 2’s monthly meeting last Thursday, Jan. 8, to discuss the new electronic waste collection ban and to answer questions from the public. DSNY Community Affairs things for the city.” Liaison, Bruno Iciano was at the According to this new law it is Sunnyside Community Services now illegal to dispose of Center to explain the new law. electronic items such as “Effective January first we television sets, printers, laptops, will no longer pick up electronics video game consoles and other curb-side,” Iciano told the like-items in the normal garbage. members at the meeting. “It is the Instead, residents have several best way for us to handle it options to dispose of their because of the amount of electronic waste (e-waste). electronics we were getting rid of. “We have recycling events for It’s a better way of recycling the year ... you will be able to take your electronics to that location and drop them all off at one time,” Iciano said. One such event is the DSNY SAFE (Solvents Automotive Flammable Electronics) Disposal Event where residents can bring their electronics or potentially harmful materials to be properly disposed of. Visit for more information on these events Cops Honored For Gun & Drug Busts Three officers were honored with Cop of the Month awards at the 110th Precinct Community Council meeting last Thursday Jan. 8. Deputy Inspector Ronald D. Leyson, 110th precinct commanding officer, presented the awards to: P.O. Christopher Sanchez, P.O. Abigail Soto and P.O. Kaisser Surriga for the Nov. 6, 2014 arrest of a person carrying a handgun along with a package of marijuana. Pictured from left to right: P.O. Surriga (via Skype); Deputy Inspector Leyson; P.O. Sanchez; P.O. Soto; and Evelyn DeCoursey, 110th Community Council president. The officers received plaques donated by the Times Newsweekly for their efforts. -SEE BOARD 2 ON PG. 26- Small Arsenal Found In Ridgewood Home Detectives Cuff Two Residents by Robert Pozarycki Four loaded firearms and hundreds of ammunition rounds were found during a police search of a Ridgewood apartment early on Sunday morning, Jan. 11, that resulted in two residents wearing handcuffs, authorities reported. Law enforcement sources said members of the NYPD Gang Unit Brooklyn North visited the Catalpa Avenue home of Frank DeCongilao, 27, and Christopher Maurina, 41, at about 2:55 a.m. Sunday morning. In searching their residence, as noted in the criminal complaint that the Queens District Attorney’s office provided, officers found various guns and ammunition stored in a case inside a bedroom. The weapons included a loaded Norinco 7.62-cal. assault rifle with 30 live rounds and a loaded Remington Arms sawedoff shotgun. Additionally, officers found in nearby bedroom dressers a .380- caliber Browning Arms Company pistol and a .38-caliber Smith and Wesson Revolver, the latter of which had five live rounds in the cylinder. Upon further investigation, police determined that the Smith and Wesson revolver was previously reported stolen from a location in Atlanta. Finally, authorities noted, the officers discovered a quantity of heroin on top of a bedroom dresser. -SEE GUNS ON PG. 26- Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RRIIDDGGEEWWOOOODD:: GGaammee OOvveerr FFoorr AArrmmeedd RRoobbbbeerryy SSuussppeecctt...........Pg. 1 SUNNYSIDE: Board 2 Hears About LIC Train Fan Plant Fix........Pg. 1 KKEEWW GGAARRDDEENNSS:: CCoonncceerrnnss RRaaiisseedd OOvveerr CCrroossss HHaarrbboorr PPllaann.......Pg. 1 GLENDALE: Dormitories Coming To Yeshiva?...........................Pg. 1 MMAASSPPEETTHH:: HHiigghh SScchhooooll DDeebbaatteerrss MMeeeett MMaayyoorr...............Photo, Pg. 1 SUNNYSIDE: Talking Trash At Board 2 Meeting......................Pg. 3 RIDGEWOOD: Cops Find Small Arsenal In Apartment..............Pg. 3 CORONA: 110th Precinct Cops Of The Month...............Photo, Pg. 3 EELLMMHHUURRSSTT:: TTeeeennaaggee RRoobbbbeerrss GGoo OOnn RRaammppaaggee AAtt SSttoorree..........Pg. 6 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Groping Suspect Locked Up Again..............Pg. 6 RIDGEWOOD: DNA Links Local Man To 2014 Burglary...........Pg. 6 MIDDLE VILLAGE: Response To Glendale Police Funeral Tops Joint 104COP, 104th Precinct Communtiy Council Meeting..........Pg. 7 AASSTTOORRIIAA:: MMoosstt PPrreecciioouuss BBlloooodd SScchhooooll TToo CClloossee IInn JJuunnee............Pg. 8 BUSHWICK: Say Fake Cop Sexually Abused Woman...............Pg. 8 ELMHURST: Sexual Assault Suspect Still At Large..............Photo, Pg. 8 BUSHWICK: Knife-Wielding Man Charges Cops, Gets Shot........Pg. 11 LONG ISLAND CITY: Looking To Add Grade At School.............Pg. 12 BUSHWICK: DOT Working To Expand Bike Lane Network.........Pg. 17 GLENDALE: GPOA Installs Slate Of Officers...................Photo, Pg. 19 CORONA: Three Kings Day Celebration.......................Photos, Pg. 22 WOODHAVEN: Pol Collects ‘Valentines For Veterans’...............Pg. 25 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS LLooccaall LLaawwmmaakkeerrss SSwwoorrnn IInn FFoorr NNeeww TTeerrmmss IInn OOffffiiccee.........Photos, Pg. 6 CCiittyy SSeett TToo BBaann SSttyyrrooffooaamm PPrroodduuccttss TThhiiss SSuummmmeerr..........................Pg. 8 LLeeggiissllaattoorr IInnvviitteess RReessiiddeennttss TToo AAppppllyy FFoorr CCiittyy CCoouunncciill FFuunnddss..........Pg. 9 QQuueeeennss DDAA RReecceeiivveess GGrraanntt TToo FFiigghhtt AAuuttoo IInnssuurraannccee FFrraauudd...........Pg. 10 New Municipal ID Cards Come With Plenty Of Perks.................Pg. 19 Series Of Free Classical Concerts In Southern Queens................Pg. 19 COLUMNS & LISTINGS My Say...........................Pg. 4 Ben Carson......................Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 11 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 58 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @timesnewsweekly SSUUBBSSCCRRIIBBEE TTOODDAAYY TToo TThhee Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times! SSeeee PPaaggee 1100.. MMoonnddaayy,, JJaann.. 1199 IIss DDrr.. MMaarrttiinn LLuutthheerr KKiinngg JJrr.. DDaayy.. NNoo AAlltteerrnnaattee--SSiiddee PPaarrkkiinngg;; NNoo MMaaiill DDeelliivveerryy;; SScchhoooollss CClloosseedd;; TTiimmeess NNeewwsswweeeekkllyy OOffffiiccee IIss OOppeenn

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