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27 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015 Precinct Council, 104COP Offer Support For Local Cops At M.V. Meet -CONTINUED FROM PG. 7- LIC Train Fan Plants Set For Storm Upgrades resiliency process involves modifying the current infrastructures for the purpose of “protecting the city from future storms,” Daniel Weiss, senior rail project manager with ARUP, the design and consulting firm chosen to work on this project, said.D uring a major storm like Sandy, due to “their proximity to the river and the fact that they’re vent shafts,” Weiss explained, “the water goes right in there and floods the pumps.” This, he noted, is the main reason the MTA needs to better protect these facilities. “We will be making significant structural changes to the existing fan plants in order to raise vulnerable components above flood levels,” said MTA spokesperson Kevin Ortiz. The goals for the resiliency portion of this project are: to ensure protection of facilities and tunnels; provide permanent, sustainable solutions; minimize potential for service disruptions; minimize pre-storm deployment requirements; ensure rapid restoration of service after a storm; and minimize project impacts to transit service, the community and traffic. The MTA also surveyed the 50th Avenue location and found it incapable of weathering future flood waters from major storms. In order to protect the site, the project looks to construct a new building around the existing structure to provide protection. This new building will expand out to the property limits of the current site, but not exceed them. The construction will also maintain the sound mitigation that was put in place to reduce the noise for the community. In addition, the transformers, currently located on street level, will be relocated to the roof and a picket fence will replace the chain link fencing at the site, according to the presentation. The second location at 44th Drive and 5th Street will have a flood barrier constructed around the base of the building that will wrap around the entire building. The new wall that will be built will be designed to blend in with the current building as much as possible. “The plan will also work within the existing footprint and in the end will match up closely with what is there now,” Ortiz said. The MTA expects the construction award to come in the fall of 2015. Then on-site construction is expected to commence in the winter of 2015 and be completed at both sites in the winter of 2017. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 1- Teen Robbers Cuffed In Elmhurst enforcement sources noted, the suspects removed cash from the register and a number of cell phones that, at the time, were under repair, then fled the scene. The store owner reportedly ran after them. Meanwhile, the victims’ daughter—who fled to the basement after the robbery started—called 911 for assistance. Police said the shopkeeper pursued the two suspects to the entrance of the Grand Avenue subway station at the corner of Queens Boulevard and 53rd Street. Officers from the 110th Precinct, in responding to the robbery, were told by a good Samaritan of the suspects’ whereabouts and headed to the station. There, the officers—along with colleagues from NYPD Transit District 20—stopped Diaz and Espinoza and found the stolen items in their possession. The officers reportedly also recovered from the teenagers three air pistols and a gravity knife. Both the storeowner and his wife were brought to Elmhurst Hospital Center for treatment of multiple head lacerations. Diaz and Espinoza were booked on charges of first-degree robbery, assault, criminal use of a firearm, criminal possession of stolen property and criminal possession of a weapon. According to court records, the teenagers appeared in Queens Criminal Court the next day, Jan. 7, for arraignment. Judge Gia Morris ordered each of them held on $20,000 bond or $10,000 cash and to return to court on Jan. 28. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 6- the wake and hung blue ribbons as a show of support. “The people of Glendale are phenomenal,” he added, “That’s what we do and who we are.” Manson echoed this praise for the community: “I’d like to thank the people of Glendale. The support exhibited by the community was outstanding and the outpouring was amazing. They couldn’t have been nicer.” Both Manson and Miller also praised local businesses along Myrtle Avenue for their support and hospitality during the funeral. Many businesses opened their doors to visiting offers, offering water, coffee and use of their facilities. According to Manson, the precinct plans on honoring the Stop and Shop grocery store and the Sunoco gas station with a citation in the near future. “I can’t even imagine how much money they lost in those two days, but their employees were there, taking care of people,” he stated. “They stood outside giving out water and chocolate chip cookies for two straight days to hundreds of officers.” Local safety concerns Kotnik announced dramatic changes to G-COP operations in the wake of the recent violence and threats against law enforcement. “At this point, and until further notice, we are standing down,” he stated. “Because of the situation with people attacking and/or shooting and killing police officers, we will not be in public with any uniforms after today.” According to Kotnik, the stand down will remain in effect until auxiliary officers or the 104th Precinct directs the patrol to act. These changes in protocol come on the heels of increased local threats of violence, including last month’s bomb scare at the Middle Village Corrections Academy, as well as the arrest of Glendale resident Edwin Payamps for allegedly making threats against NYPD. The bomb threat was later determined to be a hoax perpetrated by an anonymous caller. The threats made by Payamps, however, were found to be credible. “He did admit to us under questioning that he was contemplating shooting officers at the funeral of Officer Ramos,” Manson explained. Payamps was arrested on Dec. 24, 2014 after allegedly being overhead threatening to kill white police officers while talking on his cell phone at the TD Bank in Middle Village. A search of Payamps’ Edsall Avenue home revealed a shotgun, a 9-millimeter gun and two bulletproof vests, one of which was stolen from a Correctional Facility where the suspect worked eight years prior. According to Manson, Payamps is currently in jail on $500,000 bail and is awaiting an upcoming court date. Terrorism fears One resident voiced concerns over terrorism in the wake of the recent string of attacks in Paris. Manson expressed faith in the city’s ability to deal with terrorist activity and threats. According to Manson, the NYPD has assembled Hercules Teams, or roving swat teams who arbitrarily swarm possible hard targets. “Since 9/11, former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly built up a huge anti-terrorism program in New York City,” he explained. “A lot of the stuff that goes on is undercover stuff that we never see. A lot goes on in conjunction with the Feds in terms of protecting hard targets and moving resources into position where they should be.” Local crime According to Manson, the 104th Precinct saw a large reduction in crime in 2014. “We’ve had a good year,” he stated. The precinct was down 106 major crimes in the past year, compared with 72 major crimes in 2013. According to Manson, the precinct saw an increase in rapes, most of which were domestic in nature, as well as stolen cars. The precinct also saw improvements in traffic related injuries. “We had a career year,” Manson stated. “We were down 140 injuries, which is huge.” Manson credits programs such as Vision Zero, which targets the most common accident-producing offenses, such as running red lights or talking on cell phones while driving, with the reduction. The captain introduced Officer McKevitt and Sergeant Lawton as members from the precinct’s Domestic Violence Team. According to Manson, the precinct investigated over 4,000 cases of domestic violence in 2014. “Domestic violence is important,” he explained. “A lot of these incidents are the beginning of what can become a toxic relationship.” The precinct is taking steps to help prevent domestic violence while intervening in cases of ongoing abuse. Officers follow up on every Domestic Incident Report (DIR) with surprise visits. Certain families with an extensive history of abuse are placed on a special list and closely monitored by the precinct. Manson also addressed a recent rise in bank robberies in the area. Nine local banks were hit, with the majority of the robberies taking place after Oct. 15. According to tghe captain, a black male in his 30s is a suspect in three of the nine robberies. The NYPD Major Case Squad continues to investigate the matter. Moving forward As the city tries to heal in the wake of the deaths of Detectives Ramos and Liu, many local and city officials struggle to repair relations between communities and the NYPD. Matos is optimistic that reconciliation and progress is possible. “We want other precincts throughout the city to see that relationships can be positive and that things can be worked out,” he explained. “And if that relationship isn’t there, they should look toward precincts where things are going well and try to model after precincts like ours.” Matos suggested greater community involvement, such as the creation of civilian patrols in troubled precincts, to help bridge the gap between residents and law enforcement. “Try to do some things that are positive and that benefit everyone,” he added. The next 104COP meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday night, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. at St. Pancras School, located at Myrtle Avenue and 68th Street in Glendale. For more information, visit The 104th Precinct Community Council generally meets on the third Tuesday each month at 7:30 p.m. at locations throughout the precinct’s confines. For more information, call the 104th Precinct Community Affairs Unit at 1-718- 386-2431. HHAAVVEE YYOOUU CCHHEECCKKEEDD YYOOUURR CCHHIILLDD’’SS HHOOMMEEWWOORRKK TTOODDAAYY?? SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS MEANS MORE THAN WAVING FLAGS. HHeellpp RReettuurrnniinngg SSoollddiieerrss BByy DDoonnaattiinngg TToo VVeetteerraannss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss..

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