3 • TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 2015 FOREVER REMEMBERED City To Rename Brooklyn Streets For Slain Police Officers by Robert Pozarycki City lawmakers announced last Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014, they would move quickly to rename two Brooklyn streets in honor of two police officers assassinated on duty earlier in the month. Ridgewood Avenue between sitting in their patrol car on Shepherd Avenue and Highland special detail in Bedford- Place in Cypress Hills will be Stuyvesant. Their renamed Det. Rafael Ramos Way, killer—Ismaaiyl Brinsley of while a block of West Sixth Street Baltimore, who reportedly between Avenues S and T in traveled to New York City with Gravesend will be renamed Det. the intent to kill police officers— Wenjian Liu Way. The officers took his own life shortly after the resided on these blocks. double homicide. Ramos and Liu, both assigned Police Commissioner William to the 84th Precinct, were fatally Bratton posthumously promoted shot on Dec. 20, 2014 while Ramos and Liu to first-grade detectives. Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark- Viverito announced last Wednesday legislation authorizing the ceremonial renaming would be introduced and voted on during the City Council’s second stated meeting scheduled for later this month. “Our fallen heroes will never Detectives Wenjian Liu (at left)-SEE STREETS ON PG. 24- and Rafael Ramos Second Slain Officer Laid To Rest In Cypress Hills Hundreds of police officers and other mourners lined Jamaica Avenue near the entrance to Cypress Hills Cemetery on Sunday, Jan. 4, to bid a final farewell to P.O. Wenjian Liu. The officer, along with his partner, P.O. Rafael Ramos, were gunned down on Dec. 20, 2014 while on patrol in Bedford-Stuyvesant. Police Commissioner William Bratton posthumously promoted both officers to first-grade detectives. Funeral services for Liu took place on Sunday morning at Aievoli & Sons Funeral Home in Dyker Heights, where Bratton along with Mayor Bill de Blasio and other government officials paid tribute to the seven-year NYPD veteran. (photos: Marcin Zurawicz) Here’s A Glimpse Of What’s In This Week’s Times Newsweekly... LOCAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: GGuunnmmaann HHoollddss UUpp MMaann,, TThheenn SShhoooottss HHiimm.............Pg. 1 RIDGEWOOD: Bloody End To New Year’s Beef.......................Pg. 1 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: CCKK MMaatthh TTeeaamm AAddddss TToo SSuucccceessss........Photo, Pg. 1 CYPRESS HILLS: Hundreds Salute Second Murdered Police Officer Laid To Rest At Cemetery.......................................Photos, Pg. 3 MMIIDDDDLLEE VVIILLLLAAGGEE:: BBooaarrdd 55 MMeeeettiinngg OOnn JJaannuuaarryy 1111.................Pg. 4 MIDDLE VILLAGE/RIDGEWOOD: Note-Carrying Crook Sought For Three Bank Robberies Dating Back To November 2014........Pg. 6 FOREST HILLS: Perpetrator Sought For Groping Woman...........Pg. 6 CORONA: Electrical Fire Damages Local Church...........Photo, Pg. 6 BBUUSSHHWWIICCKK:: MMaann SSeenntteenncceedd FFoorr LLeewwdd LLaauunnddrroommaatt BBeehhaavviioorr.....Pg. 8 CORONA: Three Killed In New Year’s Eve Fire........................Pg. 8 CORONA: Library Friends Group Official Chartered....Photo, Pg. 8 RIDGEWOOD: February Forum Eyes Community’s Future.......Pg. 13 EELLMMHHUURRSSTT:: SSuussppeecctt SSoouugghhtt FFoorr AAtttteemmpptteedd RRaappee....................Pg. 16 RICHMOND HILL: Donation Helps Feed Hungry.............Photo, Pg. 17 BUSHWICK: Investigating Fatal Shooting At Apartment..............Pg. 18 MASPETH/RIDGEWOOD: Local Brewer Taps Into Roots.............Pg. 19 ELMHURST: Seeking Home For A Rescued Cat..........................Pg. 19 RIDGEWOOD: Candlelight Concert At Landmark...........Photo, Pg. 22 MASPETH: I.S. 73 Builders Give Back...........................Photos, Pg. 25 REGIONAL NEWS HIGHLIGHTS RReemmeemmbbeerriinngg FFmmrr.. GGoovv.. && QQuueeeennss NNaattiivvee MMaarriioo CCuuoommoo...Pgs. 1, 15-16 BBrrooookkllyynn SSttrreeeettss TToo BBee RReennaammeedd FFoorr SSllaaiinn PPoolliiccee OOffffiicceerrss.............Pg. 3 DDiissttrriicctt AAttttoorrnneeyy BBrroowwnn RReeppoorrttss BBoorroouugghh--WWiiddee CCrriimmee DDrroopp..........Pg. 5 PPoorrtt AAuutthhoorriittyy SScchheedduulleess HHeeaarriinnggss OOnn CCrroossss HHaarrbboorr PPggmm..............Pg. 9 Coastal Evacuation Signs Scheduled To Be Updated..................Pg. 10 Recycle Live Christmas Trees At Mulchfest In Local Parks.............Pg. 12 New City Law Boosts Hit-And-Run Accident Penalties..................Pg. 16 COLUMNS & LISTINGS Pat Buchanan..................Pg. 4 Letters To The Editor.........Pg. 4 104th Precinct Blotter.....Pg. 10 News From The GRRC....Pg. 17 Transit & Traffic News.....Pg. 18 It’s In Queens!...............Pg. 20 Community Calendar.....Pg. 20 Crossword & Sudoku......Pg. 20 TV Listings.....................Pg. 21 The Old Timer................Pg. 23 Social Security News.....Pg. 25 Sports...........................Pg. 55 www. timesnewsweekly .com SUBSCRIBE TODAY To The Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times! 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