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Seek Suspect In Rape Attempt wearing black sneakers, a brown jacket and a black backpack, law enforcement officials announced. The NYPD Queens Special Victims Squad is investigating the case, police said. Anyone with information New Law Ups Hit-&-Run Penalties Updated Evacuation Signs On Way -CONTINUED FROM PG. 10- Rockaway in the event of future emergencies,” the lawmaker said. “Every New Yorker should know where they live in a hurricane evacuation zone, and if so, have a plan for what to do if you are ordered to evacuate your home,” said OEMCommissioner Joseph Esposito. “Visit to find out whether you live in a hurricane evacuation zone and to get preparedness information and directions to your nearest evacuation center.” Previously, Goldfeder called for additional upgrades to improve the safety and reliability of coastal evacuation routes in his district, including maintenance to the Nassau Expressway and an investigation into last month’s electrical failure at the Gil Hodges-Marine Parkway Bridge that forced a shutdown of the vertical lift span. The Nassau Expressway, Marine Parkway Bridge and Cross Bay Veterans Memorial Bridge are the only designated evacuation routes leading out of the Rockaway Peninsula. “We need to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to emergency preparedness,” Goldfeder stated. “Having these new signs in place ahead of the next hurricane season will ensure our families know the way to safety well before the next emergency hits.” TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 2015 • 26 Recycle Your Live Christmas Trees At Mulchfest dispose of their live Christmas trees at curbside, as the Sanitation Department began a special collection and recycling program on Monday, Jan. 5. Clean and non-bagged Christmas trees may be left at the curb for collection at any time through Friday, Jan. 16. Sanitation Department crews will pick up each tree, then bring them to a location for chipping and transformation into compost. According to the Sanitation Department, more than 162,000 trees were collected in its 2014 tree pickup program; the former evergreens were reused to fertilize parks, ball fields and community gardens across the five boroughs. “Recycling gives Christmas trees new life,” said Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia. “The tree in our homes now will be chipped and reused as mulch in parks and community gardens throughout the city and enjoyed for months to come.” “Christmas Day has come and gone, but New Yorkers can continue the spirit of giving by ‘tree-cycling’ their Christmas trees,” Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver said. “We thank Commissioner Garcia and the DSNY for their efforts in collecting and recycling Christmas trees and we encourage New Yorkers to bring their trees to parks across the city on Jan. 10 and 11 for Mulchfest, where the mulch will be used to keep our parks green and help nourish and protect our city’s trees, flowers and shrubs.” For more information, call 311 or visit or -CONTINUED FROM PG. 12- Pat Buchanan News And Opinion Stalin’s USSR and Mao’s China, the Islamic State doesn’t even make the “JV,” to use Barack Obama’s term. Last month, the drums were beating for an attack on North Korea for what Sen. John McCain called a “new form of warfare” and what Sen. Lindsey Graham called “cyberterrorism” aided by China. In “A Reply to Kim’s Cyberterrorism,” The Wall Street Journal urged a “forceful response” to deter “future attacks.” Swiftly, there followed the crashing of North Korea’s Internet system. Query: If reports are true that Sony Pictures was hacked by ticked-off ex-employees yet North Korea’s Internet was brought down by a U.S. cyberattack, who is the cyberterrorist now? Perhaps some of those Iranian technicians in Natanz who watched their centrifuges breaking down and blowing up from the Stuxnet virus have some thoughts on this. But the most determined push for war in 2015 will come from neocons and interventionists who want a U.S.-Putin confrontation and regime change in Russia. And as Russia has a nuclear arsenal to match our own, this is a matter of real gravity. Because of U.S.-EU sanctions on Russia for its role in Ukraine and the collapse in the price of oil, Russia’s principal export, the ruble has lost half its value, and the economy faces a contraction of 5 percent in 2015. Real hardships lie ahead for the Russian people. But it seems they are not blaming Vladimir Putin for their troubles. They are blaming us. “According to the respected Moscow ‘Levada Center,’ which measures political sentiment in Russian society,” the New York Observer reports, “74 percent of Russians have negative feelings towards the USA. ... In the 1990s, 80 percent had positive attitude toward America. “Currently, 76 percent of Russians hate Obama personally and only a meager 2 percent like him. ... These are the maximum peaks of anti-American feelings in Russia in years. ... Just last week Visa and MasterCard completely stopped their operations in Crimea, leaving more than 2 million people there without access to their money.” One Moscow supermarket is using American flags as doormats, and customers are wiping their feet on them. Before going home, Congress voted to levy new sanctions on Russia and authorized U.S. lethal weapons to be sent to Kiev to enable Ukraine to retake Luhansk and Donetsk and perhaps Crimea. Obama signed the bill. With Republican hawks taking over all congressional committees dealing with foreign and defense policy, peace and war, in the new year, there will be a competitive clamor that Obama send the guns to Kiev. And what happens then? Will Putin abandon the rebels and face the rage of the Russian people for backing down? Will Putin wait for the U.S. anti-tank weapons and ammunition to arrive and be sent to eastern Ukraine? Or will Putin, a decisive sort, send in the Russian army before the U.S. weapons arrive, hive off a land bridge to Crimea—and maybe more for bartering purposes—and call Obama’s bluff? In his New Year’s message to the Russian people, Putin hailed the annexation of Crimea as an achievement that will “forever remain a landmark in the national history.” Doesn’t sound as if he’ll be giving Crimea up any time soon. “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,” said the wise Yogi Berra. But one prediction seems not too risky. Either Obama and Putin enter negotiations over Ukraine or the war in Ukraine, with 4,700 dead since April, gets bigger and wider. * * * Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of the new book “The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority.” -CONTINUED FROM PG. 4- pedestrians and cyclists were killed in 2014 by hit-and-run drivers ... We applaud this bill, as it will serve as a motivator to drivers to do the right thing–call for emergency services and law enforcement if you are involved in a motor vehicle crash.” In addition to the Justice for Hit-And-Run Victims Act, Council Member Van Bramer has introduced two new bills, Intro. 603 and Intro. 604, which look to increase civil penalties for repeat offenders who flee the scene of hit-and-run accidents as well as require the city to report violations under the Justice for Hit-And-Run Victims Act. Council Member Rodriguez is the prime sponsor on both bills. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 16- concerning this attack is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 577-TIPS (8477), text tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577 or log on to the Crime Stoppers website at All calls will be kept confidential. -CONTINUED FROM PG. 16- SUPPORTING OUR TROOPS MEANS MORE THAN WAVING FLAGS. HHeellpp RReettuurrnniinngg SSoollddiieerrss BByy DDoonnaattiinngg TToo LLooccaall VVeetteerraannss OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnss..

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