Tony Avella had been a State Senator
for eight years in Northeast
Queens prior to his loss in the
November election. Before that, he was
a Councilman for an additional eight
years. As a civic person, I am very grateful
for his service and his assistance
over the years that he was in offi ce. I
also thank his staff for their eff orts.
Senator Avella advocated for the contextual
rezonings that have done much
to protect the character of our neighborhoods.
He also supported the establishment
of the R2A and R1-2A designations
for single family detached homes that
are prevalent in northeast Queens. He
worked with urban specialist Paul Graziano
to ensure that all parts of his district
were zoned correctly. The rezonings may
not have completely halted overdevelopment
and inappropriate development in
our area, however, they have helped
and were positive accomplishments.
In terms of other community issues,
Senator Avella has always been
responsive to problems and concerns
that arise regarding businesses and
land use issues in our area. Innumerable
times, I have gone to Senator
Avella’s offi ce with other community
residents to discuss these particular
problems and possible ways to resolve
those problems. Also, whenever a letter
was written to the Senator regarding
a community concern, a response
was received and action was taken.
Senator Avella has been very
supportive of our local non-profi ts.
Organizations like the Alley Pond
Environmental Center and the Bayside
Historical Society, among others, have
received fi nancial support through his
eff orts so that they can continue to
serve the community and especially
educate our young people.
I hope that Senator Avella remains
active in community and civic circles in
the years ahead. He has a lot of useful institutional
knowledge that can be put to
good use for the benefi t of all residents.
I thank him and his wife Judy for
their commitment to our communities
and hope that the future holds many
happy and healthy years to come.
Henry Euler, Bayside
Aft er voting for Donald Trump because
he promised he would actually
do things to better improve the country,
nearly two years later, everything
has evolved into a big political and diplomatic
disaster. This reader is beginning
to have serious doubts about his
capacity to be our commander-in-chief.
Trump does not want to listen to
his advisors about serious foreign
policy issues, and as a result, they are
resigning. The stock markets have
never taken such a tumble under any
president except for Trump, and now
America’s leadership in the world is
seriously being damaged by his erratic
and sometimes unstable behavior.
While immigration needs to be
curtailed, he must realize that he has
to work bipartisanly in order to secure
funding for a wall to be erected along
our southern border with Mexico.
Now, the Democrats also have to give
something as well to help fund the
border wall.
But President Trump now acts as if
only he is right about everything and
does not want to be told that people
in his cabinet do not agree with his
policies. He must realize that he has
to at least listen to what his cabinet
secretaries and military chiefs of
staff are telling him. He should most
definitely respect their input and
value their opinion as he makes very
serious and important decisions from
the Oval Offi ce.
If he refuses to listen to what qualifi
ed people in his administration are
telling him, then perhaps it is time to
show him the door!
John Amato, Fresh Meadows
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The New York State Pavilion and Tent of Tomorrow are some of the last remaining pieces of
the 1964-65 World’s Fair at Flushing Meadows Corona Park. During the fair, the pavilion’s two
space needle towers served as observation decks and a restaurant. The Tent of Tomorrow
was covered in stained glass and had a terracotta map of New York state on the fl oor. Send us
your historic photos of Queens by email to editorial@qns.com (subject: A Look Back) or mail
printed pictures to A Look Back, ℅ The Queens Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361.
All mailed pictures will be carefully returned to you.
PHOTO VIA INSTAGRAM @pinkprincessnewyorkcity
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