QNS’ top web stories of the year
Th is past year was dominated by one
thing: COVID-19.
Stories about the spread of the virus in
the borough, the actions taken by leaders
to limit its spread and the countless ways
in which it aff ected the every day lives
Queens residents were read on QNS.com
millions of times.
Here are the top 10 most read stories on
QNS.com in 2020.
1. Free resources and subscriptions
for remote learning
and home schooling
due to coronavirus
By Donna Duarte-Ladd, Olga Uzunova
and Katarina Avendaño, March 16, 2020
Th e day this story was published,
March 16, 2020, was the fi rst day New
York City schools closed down to prevent
the spread of COVID-19. It was
early days of the pandemic and readers
wanted to know how to keep their students
engaged during what was a very
uncertain time.
In this story, readers could access
resources and subscriptions that off ered
students lessons on history, math, art,
reading and much more.
2. Coronavirus count:
Queens leads New York
City in virus cases
By Robert Pozarycki, March 24, 2020
Just as soon as the COVID-19 crisis
began, Queens was leading the city in
confi rmed cases. Th rough no fault of their
own, Queens residents were quickly living
in the world’s epicenter of the pandemic.
At the time this story was published,
there were over 3,800 confi rmed COVID-
19 cases in Queens. Overall, there were
13,119 in the city.
3. New York state on PAUSE:
Cuomo enacts ‘Matilda’s
Law’ in response to ongoing
spread of COVID-19
By Emily Davenport, March 20, 2020
Aft er debating the scale of a shutdown
for some time, on March 20, 2020,
Governor Andrew Cuomo put the state on
PAUSE, or Policies that Assure Uniform
Safety for Everyone.
For the fi rst time during the pandemic,
non-essential gatherings in New York
were canceled.
On the day the PAUSE was announced,
New York state had 7,102 cases of coronavirus,
with 1,255 people hospitalized. Th irtyfi
ve people died that day from the virus.
4. Here are 10 things to do while
in quarantine this weekend
By Alex Mitchell, March 20, 2020
On the day Governor Andrew Cuomo
announced that New York City would be
shut down, people began to imagine their
lives in quarantine.
By now, it’s almost guaranteed most
Queens residents have completed every
item on this list, which includes redecorating
your home, video conferencing
with friends and family and binge-watching
the day away.
5. Hospital workers in Brooklyn
who treated city’s fi rst coronavirus
fatality went into isolation
By Alejandra O’Connell-Domenech,
March 14, 2020
Th e fi rst known person to die from
complications related to COVID-19 in
New York City was an 82-year-old woman
from Ridgewood. Days later, the frontline
medical workers who treated her were
sent into isolation.
Th e woman’s diagnosis wasn’t known
until she had already been brought into the
hospital, possibly exposing the EMS personnel
in the ambulance that took her to
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, as well
as those in the hospital’s emergency room.
6. New York State Liquor
Authority charges Richmond
Hill bar with violating emergency
shutdown order
By Robert Pozarycki, March 20, 2020
One of the fi rst eateries to lose its liquor
license aft er fl outing rules put in place to limit
the spread of COVID-19 was Richmond Hill
bar New Oriental Guyana Restaurant Inc.,
located at 115-22 Liberty Ave.
While many restaurants and bars would
go on to have their liquor licenses suspended,
New Oriental Guyana Restaurant
was one of the fi rst.
Several days aft er Governor Andrew
Cuomo passed an executive order forcing
restaurants and bars to close their doors
to indoor dining, the Richmond Hill bar
was found to have continued operations
as normal. Th e bar packed in customers
and closed their gates to appear closed.
7. Coronavirus count: Queens
leads with 4,667 cases as NYC
total soars to more than 15,000
By Alejandra O’Connell-Domenech,
March 25, 2020
Th e day aft er Queens had become the
epicenter of the COVID-19 in the city,
state and country, the number of COVID-
19 patients in the borough continued to
On March 25, 2020, there were 4,667
known coronavirus cases in Queens.
Th ere were 4,407 cases in Brooklyn, 3,013
cases in Manhattan, 2505 in the Bronx
and 999 in Staten Island.
8. Queens politicians condemn
New York Post image
of Flushing amid coronavirus
case in Manhattan
By Carlotta Mohamed, March 2, 2020
Much to the ire of local elected offi -
cials, Th e New York Post used a photo of
an Asian man in Flushing to illustrate its
story about the fi rst case of COVID-19 in
New York City.
In the early months of 2020, hate
crimes against Asians in New York were
on the rise and believed to be related to
the entirely false perception that they
were more likely to spread COVID-19.
According to lawmakers like state Senator
Toby Ann Stavisky, the Post story did little
to combat this dangerous narrative.
“Posting a picture of an Asian man in
Flushing, Queens, while reporting about
a confi rmed case in Manhattan is troubling,”
Stavisky said at the time. “Th is does
nothing but further the misconceptions
that are hurting many people and businesses
in my district.”
9. Student households can sign
up for free Wi-Fi via Spectrum
while DOE works to deliver
25,000 iPads next week
By Angélica Acevedo, March 17, 2020
Th e transition to remote learning was
and remains diffi cult for students and
families without access to the electronic
devices needed for a virtual classroom.
In mid-March, days aft er schools closed
for the fi rst time, the Department of
Education began to distribute around
25,000 iPads to students in need of online
access. At the time, about 300,000 students
were without online devices.
To help ease the transition to remote
learning, internet provider Spectrum
announced it would be off ering student
households up to 60 days of free service.
10. When Americans can expect
their coronavirus relief checks
By Carlotta Mohamed, April 6, 2020
As unemployment spiked in Queens
and across the country in the early months
of the COVID-19 pandemic, people were
– and many remain – in dire need of
fi nancial relief.
In early April, it was announced that
taxpayers would receive a payment up
to $1,200 per adult and $500 per child
as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief
and Economic Security Act, passed by
Readers of QNS.com wanted to know
where their money was and when it would
get to them.
“People in Queens and across the nation
are hurting, and this fi nancial assistance
will provide important short-term relief
to families and workers,” Congresswoman
Grace Meng said. “I will monitor these
timelines to ensure that constituents
receive their payments.”
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