Acts of Kindness Send your Acts of Kindness to
Queens Centers for Progress group homes receive neighborly love
It has been a diffi cult year for the residents
and staff of Queens Centers for
Progress, the agency that provides person
centered services and support for
children and adults with developmental
disabilities, but they were on the receiving
end of a kind holiday gesture courtesy of
the staff of Paul Davis Restoration.
Th e company, located in Bellerose,
wanted to do something nice for those
living and working at QCP’s nine group
homes. Because the COVID-19 pandemic
has disrupted so many lives and persists
in altering social gatherings and traditions
during the winter holidays, traditional
programming has been limited or
canceled for residents in group homes.
When Paul Davis Restoration learned
about the individuals in QCP’s residential
program, the company wanted to do
something festive and personal for their
Bellerose neighbors. But they had to be
creative to adhere to social distancing
requirements. So, three of their account
managers got busy and wrote personal
messages by hand in holiday cards
for each of QCP’s 78 residents and they
hatched a plan to enlist their coworkers
in delivering the cards while singing
Christmas carols to the residents and staff
of the group homes.
“As a Bellerose neighbor to QCP, Paul
Davis Restoration is honored to be a
new friend and resource to this nonprofit,
which does such wonderful work for
individuals with developmental disabilities
as well as local small businesses,” said
Claire McCarthy, the account executive
who spearheaded the initiative. “While
our companies have diff erent focuses, our
combined resources can inspire unique
and mutually rewarding collaborations
such as this holiday project.”
Despite the threat of heavy snow last
week, the show went.
“We are so thrilled by this gesture,”
QCP’s Executive Director Terri
Ross said. “Our individuals have been
through a rough time since the pandemic
started, and for their health and safety,
their interactions among the community
have been limited. Th is will absolutely
list the spirits of our residents and
our amazing staff , who have worked tirelessly
during this long and diffi cult year.
We cannot thank Paul Davis Restoration
Th e company serves the fi ve boroughs
when fi re, water, storm, mold or
other disasters cause property damage
and during the pandemic it can also
perform professional COVID-19 cleaning
and contaminants services. Th ey also
proved adept at restoring the holiday spirit
among some that could use it most during
these most diffi cult times.
Photo courtesy of QCP
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