Kew Gardens WWII vet receives
top French honors for service
Queens is full of heroes, this much we
have learned over the past year thanks to
frontline workers going to war against
COVID-19. However, 75 years ago there
was a very diff erent war being waged
and a very diff erent Queens hero on the
front line.
World War II saw Irving Goldstein
travel to France where he not only participated
in one of history’s greatest confl
icts, but where he had a guiding hand in
saving lives and turning the tide of battle.
Goldstein’s fi rst key mission involved
dropping paratroopers and reinforcements
in Normandy on D-Day. Th is date,
June 6, 1944, is world renowned for the
heroics armed forces exhibited, aiding in
liberating France from Nazi control and
helping end the war.
On the 75th anniversary of that infamous
day and with the valor of all those
who fought in mind, French Consul
General Jérémie Robert held a ceremony
for Goldstein in the courtyard
of Boulevard ALP Assisted Living
Community in Kew Gardens on Oct. 1,
pronouncing the veteran a Knight in the
National Order of the Legion of Honor.
Known in French as Chevalier dans
l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur,
it is the greatest distinction the country
can bestow, not unlike a knighthood in
the United Kingdom.
“We are paying tribute to Mr.
Goldstein’s courage during World War
II, to his bravery, and to express our
gratitude. We owe him our freedom. We
will never forget,” said Consul General
Jérémie Robert.
Th e patio outside the care facility was
remodeled into a makeshift auditorium
where socially distant chairs were fi lled
with prideful fellow residents and family
including, sons, daughters
and grandchildren, marking
the fi rst time they were
able to visit the beloved
99-year-old since the
start of the coronavirus
pandemic earlier this
A sense of awe permeated
the area as the
medal was brought
forth on a velvet pillow
and pinned to
Goldstein’s chest. Th e Federation of
French War Veterans saluted and displayed
their homelands’ colors as a
sign of respect and appreciation while
one elderly soldier, Daniel Falgerho,
tossed aside his cane with an audible
clang in order to immortalize
the moment with his camera.
Aft er the commemoration
concluded, Goldstein’s
extended family fl ocked to
his side to both celebrate
and congratulate their
loved one.
“Our countries have always been very
friendly and helpful to each other. I got
to love the French people and I really
appreciate what the consulate and
French government has done for me,”
said Goldstein.
Aft er the ceremony, the veteran became
overwhelmed with emotion. While his
family clung to his side and Consul
General Jérémie Robert gripped a shoulder
in support, Goldstein’s eyes welled
with tears and joy before adding: “Th is
medal, along with the remembrance of
World War II, will live forever.”
Photo by Dean Moses