breast cancer awareness
Determining breast cancer stage
When receiving treatment for
breast cancer, women will learn
about cancer staging. According
to the nonprofi t organization Breastcancer.
org, determining the stage of the cancer
helps patients and their doctors fi gure out
the prognosis, develop a treatment plan,
and even decide if clinical trials are a valid
Typically expressed as a number on a
scale of 0 through IV, breast-cancer stage
is determined aft er careful consideration
of a host of factors. Th e staging system,
sometimes referred to as the TNM
system, is overseen by the American
Joint Committee on Cancer and ensures
that all instances of breast cancer are
described in a uniform way. Th is helps to
compare treatment results and gives doctors
and patients a better understanding
of breast cancer and the ways to treat it.
Breastcancer.org notes that the TNM
system was updated in 2018, but before
then was based on three clinical characteristics:
T: Th e size of the tumor and whether
or not it has grown into nearby tissue.
N: Whether the cancer is present in the
lymph nodes.
M: Whether the cancer has metastasized,
or spread to others parts of the
body beyond the breast.
Each of those factors is still considered
when determining breast cancer stage,
but starting in 2018, the AJCC added
additional characteristics to its staging
guidelines, which make staging more
complex but also more accurate:
Tumor grade
Th is is a measurement of how much
the cancer cells look like normal cells.
Estrogen- and progesterone
receptor status
Th is indicates if the cancer cells have
receptors for the hormones
estrogen and
progesterone. If cancer
cells are deemed
then they may
receive signals from
estrogen that promote
their growth. Similarly,
those deemed progesterone
may receive signals from
progesterone that
could promote their
Testing for hormone
receptors, which roughly two out
of three breast cancers are positive for,
helps doctors determine if the cancer
will respond to hormonal therapy or
other treatments. Hormone-receptorpositive
cancers may be treatable with
medications that reduce hormone production
or block hormones from supporting
the growth and function of cancer
HER2 status
Th is helps doctors determine if the
cancer cells are making too
much of the HER2 protein.
HER2 proteins are receptors on breast
cells made by the HER2 gene. In about
25 percent of breast cancers, the HER2
gene makes too many copies of itself,
and these extra genes ultimately make
breast cells grow and divide in ways
that are uncontrollable. HER2-positive
breast cancers are more likely to spread
and return than those that are HER2-
Oncotype DX score
Th e oncotype DX score helps doctors
determine a woman’s risk of early stage,
estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer
recurring and how likely she is
to benefi t from post-surgery chemotherapy.
In addition, the score
helps doctors fi gure out if a woman
is at risk of ductal carcinoma in situ
recurring or at risk for a new invasive
cancer developing in the same breast.
Th e score also helps doctors fi gure
out if such women will benefi t from
radiation therapy or DCIS surgery.
Determining breast-cancer stage
is a complex process, but one that
can help doctors develop the most
eff ective course of treatment. More
information is available at www.
Regrowing and caring for
hair after chemotherapy
Chemotherapy and radiation are
common treatment options for
people who have been diagnosed
with cancer. While radiation may be targeted
at specific areas, chemotherapy is
systemic. This means it affects the entire
body. As a result, as chemotherapy kills
fast-growing cancer cells, it also kills or
slows the growth of healthy cells, including
hair cells, that divide and grow quickly,
explains the National Cancer Institute.
When chemotherapy treatment is
completed, the body is typically capable
of regenerating new hair, but that
can take some time. Women who consider
their hair a large part of their
identity may have strong concerns and
fears regarding hair loss and what their
hair may look like when it begins to
regrow. Understanding what to expect
and what they can do to facilitate the
regrowth of hair can help women better
handle what lies ahead.
New hair typically begins to grow
within one to two months of the last
chemo treatment. Breastcancer.org
says people who have undergone chemotherapy
may notice soft fuzz forming
on their head roughly two to three
weeks after the end of chemo. This will
be followed by real hair growing at its
normal rate one month afterward. Two
months after the last treatment, an inch
of hair can be expected. How hair grows
back elsewhere on the body, such as the
eyelashes, eyebrows and pubic area,
varies from person to person. Experts
at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive
Cancer Center’s Dermatologic Care
Center at Northwestern University in
Chicago recommend speaking with a
doctor if hair is not regrowing quickly,
which can be the result of low levels of
iron or zinc or even thyroid problems.
To help the process along, some doctors
suggest the use of supplements
like biotin. The National Institutes
of Health says biotin is a B vitamin
found in many foods that helps
turn carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
into energy. There is some evidence
that taking biotin can help thicken
and speed up the growth of hair and
nails, but more research is needed.
Rogaine, the baldness treatment, also
may be advised, as it’s been shown to
speed hair regrowth in breast cancer
patients who have lost their hair,
advises Health magazine.
It is not uncommon for hair grown
after chemotherapy to look and feel
different from hair prior to treatment.
Someone who once had straight hair
may develop a wavy mane afterwards.
While drastic changes are not common,
blonde hair may darken.
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