Properties for Sale
in Sunny Florida
Sunrise – 2/2 beautiful Condo with
terrace in an Adult Community (55t), lots of
amenities - $86,999
West Palm – 2/2, Spectacular Condo
with terrace facing natural preserve, gated,
new appliances, lots of amenities - $139,999
Okeechobee- 1 bdrm, on a double lot at
RV, Parked Mobile homes (55t). Lots of
amenities – boating, fishing, swimming -
Please call Doris Torres, P.A., Partnership Realty Inc.,
917-714-6423 or 929-247-7712
for pictures and more information.
Five items to clean for a sparkling kitchen
You wipe down the counters, clean the
fl oor and run the dishwasher regularly.
Your kitchen appears clean on the surface,
but there’s probably a lot that could
use a refresh. It’s time to pay attention to
frequently used but oft en forgotten items
in your kitchen.
Make sure to include these fi ve kitchen
items on the next round of cleaning
so you get the sparkling kitchen you
How to thoroughly clean
your dishwasher
Why would a machine with the main
job of cleaning need cleaning itself?
Because food debris and mineral buildup
from water can clog important components,
causing your dishwasher to
work inefficiently. To thoroughly clean
your dishwasher, start by removing the
filter and cleaning it out. Then fill a
dishwasher-safe coffee cup with white
vinegar, put it on the top rack and
run on the hot cycle to remove soap
scum and other buildup. Try to do this
monthly for a sparkling clean dishwasher
that works great.
Cleaning your coff eemaker
is surprisingly simple
Cleaning your coff eemaker regularly is
an important step for it to work at peak
performance and keep beverages tasting
their best. Don’t be intimidated by cleaning
your coff ee machine, particularly if
you have a Keurig brewer. It’s surprisingly
simple to clean your brewer with this
simple three-step routine:
1. Use Keurig Rinse Pods once a week
to rinse away old coff ee oils and residue,
or use any time aft er brewing a fl avored
beverage to reduce fl avor carryover
between brews.
2. Every two months, replace your
water fi lter cartridge to help remove
chlorine, calcium and other impurities
from water to improve the taste and
quality of beverages.
3. Every three months, use descaling
solution to safely and eff ectively remove
mineral buildup from inside your brewer.
How to clean your microwave
with water and lemon
Food steams, spurts and splatters in
a microwave every day, and even if it
appears visually clean, there’s probably a
lot of grime on the inside walls. Rather
than scrubbing harshly, make it easy to get
off the grime with a simple solution: Fill a
microwave-safe bowl with one cup water
and then slice a lemon in half. Squeeze
the lemon in the water and then add the
halves. Microwave for three minutes and
then let sit for fi ve so the steam can penetrate
the buildup. Finally, open the microwave,
remove the bowl and easily wipe
away grime with a washcloth.
It’s time to clean
under appliances
Just because you don’t look there doesn’t
mean the dirt and dust goes away. It’s time
to clean appliances, particularly the refrigerator
where food, dust and dirt oft en collect
and clog up the coils. Carefully pull
appliances out and clean well underneath.
Start by vacuuming and then wipe down
with soapy water. You should also look
at the back of appliances and wipe off to
remove dust and other grime. If the appliance
has an air vent, make sure to vacuum
it well to help it continue to run effi ciently.
Leave kitchen knobs and
handles looking like new
You make it a habit of wiping down
your faucet knobs when you clean the
sink, but what about the other knobs in
your kitchen? Th e knobs on the cabinets
are sometimes touched hundreds of times
in a month by diff erent people, which can
transfer germs and bacteria, not to mention
grease and other grime on fi ngertips.
Start by wiping all knobs down with disinfectant
wipes. For grimy buildup, use hot
water with a touch of dish soap and wipe
down with a rag to break down grime and
leave knobs looking good as new.
Th e kitchen is the heart of the home
and deserves a good clean. Add these fi ve
items to your next round of kitchen cleaning
and you’ll have a sparkling clean space
you can enjoy.