Falling into home safety
(BPT) - While the crisp
autumn air signals the change of
seasons, it also brings fi re safety
risks associated with fall activities,
such as getting cozy around
a campfi re and burning candles.
While spending more time at
home and cooking more indoors
as cooler weather approaches,
it is important to be prepared.
According to the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA):
• Unattended cooking is the
number one cause of home
fi res in the U.S.;
• Campfi re accidents send thousands
of people to emergency
rooms with burn injuries
every year;
• More than half of candle fi res
(59%) start because a fl ammable
object is too close to the
As temperatures begin to drop,
make sure to check out these fi re
safety tips from First Alert:
Be alert while cooking.
Cooking fi res are expected to
continue to increase with more
cooking occurring at homes
across the country right now,
so it is important for you to
stay alert and be mindful in
the kitchen. Stay in the kitchen
while you are frying, grilling,
boiling or broiling food. If
you are simmering, baking or
roasting food, check it regularly,
remain in the kitchen and
use a timer to remind you that
you are cooking. Keep anything
that can catch fi re - oven mitts,
wooden utensils, food packaging
or dish towels - away from your
Play it safe around a campfi
re. Whether in your backyard
or on a campsite, it is important
to know how to enjoy a campfi
re safely. Campfi res need to be
placed at least 25 feet away from
any structure and anything that
can burn, such as dry leaves and
shrubs. Avoid burning on windy,
dry days and never use gasoline
or other fl ammable liquids.
Always attend to the campfi re
and keep a close eye on children
while the fi re is burning, especially
when roasting marshmallows.
Practice candle safety. Candles
can add lots of ambiance to your
indoor and outdoor areas, but they
can easily ignite anything that can
burn. When burning candles, keep
them at least a foot away from anything
fl ammable, never leave them
unattended and place them out
of reach from children. Make it
a routine to check that all fl ames
are extinguished before you leave
the area.
Be prepared to put out a fi re.
Fires can spread very quickly
and have the potential to cause
signifi cant damage. You should
always be prepared with a fi re
extinguishing device nearby, like
First Alert EZ Fire Spray. It’s easy
to use - just point and spray - and
features a familiar lightweight
spray-can design to help stop
fi res fast. Plus, it discharges four
times longer than regular extinguishers
(based upon approximate
size of fi re extinguishing vs.
1-A:10-B:C) and is easy to clean
up aft er use. Its small size makes
it easy to store, like in your kitchen
cabinet, or perfect to have
near you around the campfi re.
Teach kids about fi re safety.
While many children will be
at home this school year, it is
important to remind them about
staying safe when near an open
fl ame. Teach kids to stop, drop
and roll. Talk about the dangers
of open fl ames and run through
safety drills so everyone will feel
confi dent to handle a scary situation.
“While spending more time
at home, it is important to be
prepared, such as having a fi re
extinguishing device nearby and
discussing safety with your entire
family to help ensure everyone is
ready in the event a fi re incident
occurs,” said Tarsila Wey, director
of marketing for First Alert.
To learn more about fi re safety,