Most things that I have
accomplished I attribute
to my ability to clearly
set (sometimes questionable) goals
and find a workable path to guide
me in what I think may be the right
direction. Does everything turn
out well? Let’s say things turn out.
My feeling is everything you do
whether it ends up being a plus or
minus is a lesson in learning. The
plus outcome is always welcome. A
negative can become a positive as
well because it teaches you not to
repeat what went awry.
So, with this in mind, I’m feeling
a bit lucky these days. I really feel
that way! However, at my age, I’m
lucky I can feel anything. At this
moment our lives are limited for
us in different ways, but for me
I’m busy trying to do what I can
and accepting what I can’t. I’m
happy in my home. I’m not doing
anything different than most of
us – but whatever I’m doing I feel
comfortable and safe.
Some of us may have discovered
being alone and doing some things
is not as easy when there’s more
of an incentive to do something
with others. I know I’ve talked
about exercise ad infinitum, but
it fills in a lot of time in a healthy
way so I try to exercise more frequently
and need to kvetch less.
Am I becoming bored from a
December repetition of exercise? Perhaps I
need a change? I think I’m ready.
How about a trampoline? That’s
different. On most days I’m glad
I can stand and walk! I’ll try. I’m
¢not sure but I may have discovered
COURIER what could be an apartment size
trampoline or maybe it’s a toy for
cord to a small box loaded with
children. Who cares? Why should
some of my groceries. While I push
they have all the fun? Anyway, it’ll
the box with one foot, I pull the
TOWERS work for me if I move some of the
other end with the pulley. It works
furniture into my other bedroom.
like a charm. Maybe I should buy
That won’t be a problem with hosting
something with wheels on it? Last
overnight guests. Who’s visiting
week, I pulled two extra-large boxes
SHORE anyway? Of course, I’ll invite my
of cornflakes into my apartment.
downstairs neighbors up to join
What did you expect? A crate of
me in this exercise. This way they
NORTH won’t complain.
A new exercise I’ve been doing
Do you think by jumping and
is soaking and flexing my hands
doing summersaults my vertigo
and feet in Epsom salt and warm
16 might kick in? I hope not! Actually,
water. This concoction is supposed my vertigo makes me feel as though
I’m doing summersaults all the
time, so I’ve had plenty of practice.
If the trampoline doesn’t work out
maybe I’ll just jump up and down
on my California-king oversized
bed. I wouldn’t say it’s huge, but
it takes up three quarters of my
bedroom. I’m not sure I needed
carpeting because I almost have
wall to wall bed. Sometimes I feel
I need to walk sideways to get
around my room, but it’s easier
than climbing up and down from
the bed to get to from one side of
the room to the other. Maybe a
step-stool might be helpful? Not
sure. If I commute from one side of
the room to the other using the bed
and fall doing it, at least I’ll have
a soft landing. Did I say fall? Oh
no! Been there, done that. Anyway,
as an alternative, I’m planning to
jump up and down on my husband’s
side of the bed, just in case
I break a spring or something. Do
beds still have springs? Uh, oh! I
have a memory mattress. Do you
think it’ll remember that I’m not
Howard and I’m not on the correct
side of the bed? Do you think the
mattress really has memory? Will
it really remember the shape of my
body – like I need to be reminded!
A new piece of exercise equipment
I already have is a pulley that
hangs on a door. It helps me do
exercise with my broken arm. It’s
really good. After six months I’m
now able to scratch my nose. Oy,
that is a pleasure! Don’t criticize.
Have you ever had an itchy nose
and was unable to scratch it? I also
use the pulley to help me bring the
delivery of groceries into my apartment.
I tie one end of the pulley