

20 North Shore Towers Courier n July 2014 NST MEN’S CLUB Dinner at 388 and the man from the NY Times BY PAUL NETTLER The Men’s Club meeting on June 12th was probably the best attended yet. There were about 80 to 85 members and guests. No doubt our speaker for the evening, Lou Uchitelle, was the big attraction. Lou has spent his whole life in journalism in such positions as a foreign correspondent, Bureau Chief for the Associated Press in Latin America and Editor of the New York Times Sunday Business Section. His subject matter involved discussing how Mayor DeBlasio is bringing a New Deal approach to New York City’s government and how this is a reflection of the concept that the government has to become involved in the private economy. The presentation was followed by a very lively (an understatement) Q & A session which featured some personal descriptions of unfortunate business experiences, criticism of NAFTA, a discussion of Keynesian Economics and some speech making from the floor. One might think that Lou would have been put off by this reception, but he related later that he was quite energized by the back and forth and looked forward to being with us again in the future. Tuesday, the 17th, found 60 members and guests enjoying a great time, animated conversation, good service and delicious food at the 388 restaurant on Willis Ave. The free flowing wine no doubt had something to do with it. Special thanks go out to Arnie Rabinowitz and the Events Committee for arranging the evening. On May 29th a group of members visited Belmont Park with hopes of helping to “improve the breed.” Unfortunately, nothing much if anything was done to “improve” our balance sheets but we enjoyed an excellent lunch, a good view of the finish line and quite a bit of excitement. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 10th. In lieu of a speaker we are going to have a “Meet and Greet” night. Now that we have 104 members, we thought that it would be a good idea to promote more of a close knit feeling amongst the members to dispel senses of anonymity. July’s events include a half day fishing trip on July 16th and a Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game preceded by dinner at Gargiuolo’s on July 24th. American Society of Appraisers and Garden City Antiques and Fine Arts, Ltd. Buyer of Fine Arts and Antiques for Over 30 Years Careful management of your precious estate heirlooms and buying and liquidation of your estate is our top priority. In addition to antique buying, we also can provide estate clean out services. We’re your premier antique buyers. • Antiques • Oil Paintings • Sterling Silver • Jewelry • Porcelains • Bronzes • Carved Furniture • Clocks • Bronze Statues Member of the the Better Business Bureau HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID IMMEDIATELY 718-347-0900 www.gardencityantiques.com IF BUSY 516-524-6000 Other events in the planning stage include trips to West Point, the 711 Memorial Museum, and the Prospect Park Zoo. Two other events being planned are a midsummer barbeque, and a talent show. To sign up for these events or get additional information contact Arnie Rabinowitz at ar3894@ aol.com. If you like to sing, dance, tell jokes, etc. and would like to show off your talent, please call Bud Bank at 347-592-7365. We are planning a talent show. For additional information about our club, please contact our President, Al Fuchs, at afuchs@ aol.com. If you would like to join the club, please contact our Treasurer, Leo Tujak, at leotxrx@ gmail.com. 12 JUNE 12&17 Lou Uchitelle

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