The Green Scene!
Photos by Stephen Vrattos
Music, food and camaraderie
were very much
in evidence at the NST
Women’s Club holiday party, held
on Wednesday, December 20, at
Towers on the Green. A buffet
dinner with a sumptuous array of
wonderful dishes, cash bar and
music by Brian La Blanc were
the ingredients for a sparkling
evening. Dressed in finery, the
holiday revelers munched, sipped,
and danced the night away. La
Blanc, known for his Neil Diamond
performances, provided
great entertainment.
Women’s Club raises the roof
North Shore Towers South
On Thursday, December 7,
NST Women’s Club South
met at the Polo Club for a
delicious luncheon buffet. A huge
assortment of soups, salad, hot and
cold entrees, desserts and drinks
were served. It was an opportunity
to make new friends, enjoy old
ones, exchange phone numbers and
get updates on activities up north.
The next event planned for
the Floridians will take place on
Wednesday, March 7, at 11:30 a.m.
at the Morakami Museum. The
program includes a docent tour of a
Japanese pottery exhibit, tea house
and beautiful Japanese gardens. A
short film and bento box luncheon
is also on the agenda. Members
will have time for shopping. For
questions and information call
Roberta Gould at 561 496-6650
Co-President Julie Weissman
welcomes everyone
Women's Club founder Claire Levitan in the spotlight
Vicki Mazel lays down the
rap while La Blanc provides
beatbox backing
“Hands... touching hands...
Reaching out... touching
me... touching you...”
Launching 2018
After a successful year, membership in
the NST Women’s Club has climbed
to 315 members, as announced by
membership veep Chickie Kaufman. The
continued and growing interest in the club is
a tribute to the hard work of its steering committee
members. Devoting many hours to the
planning of programs, trips and lectures, the
committee is now working on 2018.
Romancing in a Mansion?
Wednesday, January 19, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Downstairs Card Room
Orin Finkle: “Reflections of a Bygone Era”
Noted Gold Coast historian Finkle will
present a lecture and slide show featuring the
mansions, gardens and people of a bygone era.
An accountant by profession, Finkle’s written
more than 200 articles on country estates and
dedicates himself to passing on the richness
of Long Island’s God Coast heritage
Age Takes the Stage!
Wednesday, February 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Downstairs Card Room
Jackie Becker: “Raging Against Aging”
Known as the Jewish Erma Bombeck,
author Becker will bring her special brand of
humor to NST. In her book, “Raging Against
Aging,” she writes about reluctantly moving
toward the golden years, a laugh out loud
funny collection of personal essays about
the eternal struggle to balance looks, money,
health and family. Sound familiar? She is
refreshing, candid and has a great message
for our members. Mark your calendars!
Stay tuned for announcements…
Happy New Year to all of you from all
of us!