

Caviar Caviar is considered a luxury and associated with special occasions. It is a delicacy that most of us get to have only a few times a year, if we are lucky. European sturgeon which is considered the top of the crop and most expensive, is claimed to have the best fl avor and taste, it varies in color from light gray to dark black with hints of emerald. Red caviar, or salmon roe is much more accessible to most of us, with a lower price point and many people actually prefer the taste of red to black. My great grandfather used to joke saying “the caviar can be black, as long as the bread is white.” White 19 chef's corner bread was considered a bigger luxury back in the day, and believe it or not, black caviar was eaten by the spoonful in northern Russia. It was a time when caviar was served for lunch in large bowls with a side of bread and a large spoon, and nobody considered it a luxury. Times have changes, and black caviar is now a status symbol. No matter what color your fi sh eggs are here are a few things you should know. Always eat your caviar on bread or blini and always with icecold vodka, unless you are French in which case you are allowed to have it with champagne. To truly experience the many layers of mouthwatering fatty, salty fl avors of the tiny jewels, you don’t want to overpower it with chicken eggs or herbs, you want just the caviar. Try to pair it with neutral foods. It’s ideal on bread, like sourdough or a French baguette. Vodka or champagne is a perfect complimentary drink for caviar because it is at once neutral in fl avor, rounds out the nuances of the caviar and acts as a palate cleanser so you can enjoy the next bite. Caviar is also good for you too. It is full of Vitamins A, D and E, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron, omega-3 and 6. As a food, caviar has been known to promote a healthy immune system and cardio-vascular health. I’m not saying that caviar is a cure for all, or maybe I am. Either way, it’s a good excuse to eat some caviar. Enjoy and happy holidays! Chef Natasha Pogrebinsky Executive Chef and Owner of Bear Restaurant 12-14 31st Avenue, Long Island City www.bearnyc.com CHEF NATASHA POGREBINSKY Photo by Bradley Hawks for everyone!

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