ART CALENDAR 13january COMPILED BY swEEtIna kakar JEFFREY LEDER DiEGO SALAZAR GALLERY ART GALLERY-21-37 45th Road, Long Is land City, 917-767-1734 21-25 44th Avenue, Long Island City “Winter Show” “Long Island City Winter Art Show” On view until January 20 On view until January 26 The “Winter Show” exhibits Both paintings and photographs of artists, Violet Bax- nine different artists with vari- ter, Mary Didoardo, Jean-Mary Guyaux, Arthur Hammer, ous themes throughout their Joel Hamdorff, Noriko Kuresumi, Ragner Lagerblad, San- painting. The nine artists, dra Mack-Valencia, Oscar Maxera, Elinore Schnurr, Diane Violet Baxter, Vincent Inconi- Sipperlle, Preston Trombly, John Varriano and Costa Vava- glios, Mary Powers Holt, Peter giakis, have been inspired by the industrial LIC, which is Jones, Dona Levinstone, De- metrius Manouselis, Charles slowly disappearing. Catch it before it’s gone. Marburg, John Schmidtberger and Elen Schneiderman, MUSEUM OF trasts between these games show a variety of artistic ThE MOviNG and Spacewar! forms from abstract designs iMAGE and color combinations to 36-01 35 Avenue, Astoria, MOMA PS1 precise landscapes, allowing 718-777-6888 46-01 21 Street, Long Island for the diversity of the artists “SpaceWar! Video Game City, 718-433-4807 and their painting shine in the Blast Off” “Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt: GALLERY sculptor’s lens, taking these presentation explore with the first 50 years of video games. Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt’s www.queenscourier.comThis exhibit showcasesmixed-media creations madeBlast Off “ takes a look at theSpacewar! The culture itThe 10 artists featured in thisideas of identity construction,approach painting through atwo mediums and making a-11-03 45th Avenue, Long Is exhibit itself. Sampson and Stephen Traux, based approach to sculpture. “Spacewar! Video Games On view until April 1On view until March 3Tender Love Among the Junk” DORSKY land City, 718-937-6317 hybrid of artistic expression. authorship and alienation sprang from. The exhibition from household items and Amrhein, Sarah Braman, Ariel “Double Life” vid Berezin, Paul Branca, Lea tion, arcade- and developer. foil, tinsel and glitter. january 2013icked Byzantine decoration•with cellophane, aluminum-such as arcade, console,-and religion while he mimhandheld and PC, to genre-shooters, platformers, ac--and reanimating various objects. The artists featured areKorakrit Arunanondchai, Da-44-19 Purves Street, Long IsCENTERgames ranging in platformgay sexuality, class strugglehabiting the site, leaving marksSCULPTUREpresents 20 playable videodollar stores. His art explores-through strategies including inland City, 718-361-1750--“Donut Muffin”On view until March 10This exhibit presents 13 art ists who view painting in a dif ferent way. The artists, Mike Dill, Joe Fyfe, EJ Hauser, Clin- On view until March 25 Cetera, Rachel Foullon, Justin From the oldest games Mis- ton King, Pam Lins, Laren Lu- This exhibit creates a mixed Lieberman, Molly Lowe, Shana sile Command to the newest lof, Chris Martin, Nathalie Pro- form of art, combining physical Luther, Julia Sherman and Bry- fad Halo 4, the exhibition lic • vosty, Robert Rhee Christian movement into a performance- an Zanisnik. draws connections and con- courier 51
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