Legends of LIC The Sing-SingSong BY THE ASTORIA news from him until her hope HISTORICAL SOCIETY for her husband disappeared. She showed him a photo of the It is 1921. A young man is about youngest child. Its tiny body lay to die. The grim story of Astoria’s in the coffin. Michael Casalino unfolds. After she left, he spent his last Welcome to Death Row in Sing- hours with a priest. Sing Prison (today the Sing Sing It was now time. As he began Correctional Facility in Osining, that last walk to the execution New York) chamber, Casalino calls out Zam- Convicted in the old Long Is- belli, “Goodbye. I wish you luck. land City Courthouse for the I hope you get a new trial.” Zam- deaths of former Astorians Mr. belli’s response is lost by a cho- and Mrs. Joseph Holbach, the rus of farewells from the other 22 young man is about to meet his occupants of the death house. doom. Calm, composed, without One calls out, “we know you are flinching or bravado, even veter- innocent Mike.” an guards rated him as one of the In another part of town, the “gamest men to sit in the chair.” final players of the drama as- He is the first person from semble. Sixteen men reported Queens to be executed in 23 by “invitation” were preparing to years. attend the execution. Ossining is It need not to have turned out gloomy to the eye and spirit as like this. Casalino, one of six men they make their way Holbachs in their LEGENDS OF LIC train the New Yorkprison.thetofromtheupheld who tle Joe” Zambelli, L ing wooden stairwayE-is reached by a windCILFThe prison entranceOSDNEG-BY GREATER ASTORIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY- bar, turned over evi dence against “Lit the gang’s ringlead- snaking up the hill. er. Casalino thought At the top, lights his sentence would twinkle as the build- be commuted for life. Although ings are bathed in light. They Zambelli was duly convicted for hear whistling and even a snatch his part in the murder, and was of song through steel-barred win- sentenced to death because of dows. www.queenscourier.com the testimony, New York Gover- They met at the somber gates nor Nathan Miller refused to com- of Sing-Sing. No one takes no- mute Casalino’s sentence. tice. This is the prison’s eighth It was now his last day on execution in five months. Inside earth. He was given his last meal. the gate, they were told to make For dessert, Casalino requests themselves at home while the strawberry shortcake. It arrived Principal Keeper McIntyre exam- from the warden’s kitchen ines their credentials. • With just five hours before A small man oddly dressed • january 2013 his execution, his heart-broken with rough but neat clothing sat young wife made her visit bear- quietly in the corner. His black ing yet more devastating news: shoes shine immaculately. The for the first time he learned that guards know him. The witnesses both his children had died dur- learn that he is John Hurlburt, 32 lic courier ing his two-year confinement in State Electrician. the death house. They were vic- He is the person who sends tims of the great Flu Pandemic prisoners to their death in the of 1919. His wife had kept the electric chair for $150 a head.
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