D E C E M B E R “Art enables us to find
ourselves at the same
Hello from all the artists!
Mayra Boggio displays her distinctive jewelry
Helene Oelerich and her divine photography
Dottie Schwartz and her charming menagerie
Elaine Grayson presents her intricate jewelry
Jan Aroozman uses mixed media for her unique artwork
Mark Cabon and Chuck Bentz serenaded the crowd
The Le Havre Art League hosted its annual art
show in the Clubhouse on Sunday, November
18 and, as always, it was a delightful afternoon.
In fact, it could probably be characterized as a
master class in art appreciation given the varied
media in which these talented artists work.
The exhibits included the works of several
returning artists: Jan Aroozman, Jim Bishoff,
Nina Gomez, Helene Oelerich and Vincenza
Russo and Dottie Schwartz, who presented a
range of work in photography, macramé, oil on
canvas, acrylic on wood and ink on paper.
Art lovers were also treated to the work of several
exhibitors who joined the talented group for
the first time this year. Elaine Grayson came in
from Oyster Bay to show her fine work in copper
and enamel jewelry, while local Whitestone
resident Mayra Boggio displayed her use of
jade and black onyx to create her wearable art.
Sondra Wild was also a first-timer at the art
show (and this was only her second showing
ever!) where she presented her custom pieces of
silver and brass earrings and necklaces.
Zoe Kohnen has only been working in her
medium, acrylic over wood, for two years and
chose the Le Havre art show to debut her collection.
Zoe’s aunt, Joanne Gallo, is a Le Havre
resident and also exhibited her work at the art
show for the first time.
Whitestone resident Anthony “Rhino” Vitolo,
another first-time presenter, specializes in finger
painting. Yes, finger painting…but you’d
never believe it by looking at his terrific work.
There was also another co-op represented,
North Shore Towers. Representatives of NST’s
Knit & Crochet Club, Judi Ross, Carol Klinger
and Mimi Rachin, had a beautiful display of
handmade scarves, hats and children’s knitted
toys made by the club’s 30 members (with all
proceeds going to charity).
Judy Densky, Chair of the Le Havre Art
League, said after the show, “We had a wonderful
day at the clubhouse with the artists
demonstrating their creative skills. Painters,
photographers and craftspeople all shared their
work and sold some as gifts for the holidays.”
She continued, “We also enjoyed wine and
snacks while listening to the background music
of Mark Cabon on guitar and the gentle singing
of Chuck Bentz. Overall, the day was mild and
the mood was mellow.”
So if you didn’t attend this year’s art show,
be sure to plan ahead for a mild and mellow
afternoon next year when Le Havre’s annual art
show returns. It’s a day you won’t want to miss!
Photos by Jan Aroozman & Jill Davis