

8 L E H A V R E N E W S NOVEMBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO REMAIN IN PLACE BY RACHEL LANDAU It was announced at the LeHavre Owners’ Corporation 29th Annual Shareholders’ meeting that the current board of directors will stay in place. The meeting was held at P.S. 193 in Whitestone. Shareholders were given the opportunity to vote the Sunday preceding the meeting, or vote minutes before as well. Board President Stanley Greenberg began the evening’s proceedings by informing those in the audience that there was no quorum. Approximately 35 – 40 shareholders attended. Two hundred and seventy one apartments, which included the 109 sponsor apartments, voted their shares. The actual shares voted were 192,918, which amounted “All’s well and people are satisfi ed. ” - President Stanley R. Greenberg, CPA to 26.46%. A total of 347,013 shares voted (50% +1) were needed for a quorum. As a result of the poor participation, the current Board of Directors stays in place for the coming year. For a signifi cant portion of the meeting, Greenberg 8 LEHAVRE COURIER | NOVEMBER 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM and the shareholders were involved in a discussion that touched upon a variety of topics. However, the primary issues at hand pertained to shareholder participation and what would need to be done. Many opted for giving priority to the opinions of those who participate often in LeHavre Owners’ Corp matters. Others suggested better advertising and greater accessibility. They suggested to Greenberg that the voting be held at times more convenient for the average, child-rearing, working shareholder and that events be more intensely publicized. A sizeable number of people took the evening’s low turn-out in stride, attributing it to what they believed to be LeHavre’s fi nancial soundness, consistently good services and successful projects. “If people are unhappy they will have no qualm in showing their face and expressing their opinions,” said Greenberg. “All’s well and people are satisfi ed. ” Despite what happens in Washington, we live in a wonderful country with a Democractic government. We make selections for our leaders at our local and national elections. Here too in LeHavre we have the opportunity to elect our board of directors annually. Our current board is hard working and deserves our gratitude. But no board should stay in offi ce forever. Unfortunately at this year’s election, of the 1,024 apartments in LeHavre, only about 27% of the total corporation shares actually were voted by our shareholders. That›s about 275 units and that INCLUDES the roughly 10% of the shares owned my PSONY, the holder of the unsold shares (the renters’ units). So we did not have a quorum and could not conduct any new business at our annual meeting, including holding our election. Though there were notices mailed to shareholders a couple of weeks before the election, with dates posted for receiving and voting, not enough people participated in the annual meeting at P.S.193 on the evening of 10/24. And too few came to the school for our meeting. As a concerned shareholder, I would like the 11 slots (two are automatically voted in my PSONY) fi lled by people who want to serve on the board. This year two of the nine on the ballot were new candidates for the board. Two OTHERS CURRENTLY ON THE BOARD DID NOT SIGN UP TO BE CANDIDATES. By not getting over 50% of the outstanding shares of our corporation, we could NOT make any changes to our board and the 2012-2013 board stays in place till we get a quorum and can make changes. So, I propose: 1- FOR THE NEXT ELECTION WE HAVE 2-3 NIGHTS AND ONE WEEKEND DATE FOR VOTING TO ALLOW SHAREHOLDERS ALTERNATE DATES TO GET TO THE CLUBHOUSE AND CAST THEIR VOTES. 2- WE MAIL THE BALLOTS TO EACH SHAREHOLDER SO THEY ARE AWARE OF THE UPCOMING ELECTION. We can still ask for identifi cation when the shareholders vote to prevent any fraudulent activities and not allow others to cast votes for them. The ballots can be brought to the clubhouse and signatures witnessed. 2- WE HAVE NOTICES UP ON ALL BULLETIN BOARDS AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE VOTING AND HAVE PORTERS PUT UP REMINDERS THE DAY BEFORE IN EACH ELEVATOR. 3- WE ASK THE BUILDING CAPTAINS TO REMIND THEIR NEIGHBORS TO VOTE. MAYBE THEN WE WILL GET A QUAROM AND MAKE SOME CHANGES. Judy Densky 2013 Board of Directors Candidate WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! PHONE: 718-224-5863 FAX: 718-224-5441 ADDRESS: 38-15 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY 11361 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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