

N E W S NOVEMBER 6 L E H A V R E LeHavre residents will be greeted by a … NEW FACE HERE ARE SOME EVENTS OLIVA BY JOHANN HAMILTON The LeHavre clubhouse has a new face. Health, fi tness and recreation have been a big part of Antoinette Oliva’s life. With parents who are also heavily into the arts, she has been surrounded by that lifestyle since she was born. She began dancing at age three, attended Benjamin Cardozo High School and Queens College for dance, and has since been a choreographer at several local dance schools. She was most recently the manager of a New York Health and Racquet Club in Great Neck, and is now bringing her expertise and enthusiasm to the LeHavre community. “This is a health and fi tness recreational center, and that’s totally what I’m into,” Oliva said. “I love the environment here, and I’m really taken with the social atmosphere of this place. Working here requires having an upbeat attitude and a fun personality, but despite all the work it really is fun.” Oliva began at LeHavre on Monday, November 4. She replaces former LeClub manager Ashley Ciccotelli. Oliva has since had nothing but good experiences with the residents, whom she describes as “very sweet, polite, and straightforward with their needs.” She is particularly excited for LeHavre’s upcoming art show on November 17, as well as the City Harvest Food Drive, which she hopes to see the community become very involved in. “I’m really trying to engage the community,” she said. “Right now it’s a little on the quiet side, and I’d like to try to bring more life into things around here. I’m also trying to start new dance classes, group fi tness classes, and more activity in general.” As the new manager of LeClub she is in charge of setting up events and seeing 6 LEHAVRE COURIER | NOVEMBER 2013 | WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM that they go smoothly. She feels more than up to this challenge “I’d have to say that the organization aspect of the whole thing is the most challenging part of the job,” she explained. “Keeping track of everything, making sure events are going according to plan, and all that sort of thing is a large part of what I do, and it’s not always easy. But I like doing it, and I’m sure I’ll do a good job.” Oliva’s presence is a welcome addition to the LeHavre community, and anyone wishing to make her acquaintance can fi nd her at the front desk of the LeClub. *****Management also would like to welcome Karen Lohman who took over the position vacated by Marie McGee in the Management Offi ce last month. Karen comes with many years of experience and fi ts right into her new position. ***** SAYS ARE COMING UP AND SOME IMPORTANT DATES TO NOTE: All month long City Harvest food drive. People in the community can come and drop off canned goods. 11/28 - Thanksgiving Day Closed Tennis Court and Pool Deck will be shut down for the winter on November 11th DECEMBER EVENTS TBA - Toys for Tots Drive TBA - Coat Drive TBA - Bake/Cookie Exchange/Raffl e TBA - Flea Market 12/7 - Nifty Fifty Holiday Party 12/11 - Bingo 12/25 - Christmas Day Closed Up & coming things to look forward to: New gym fl ooring

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