PRESIDENT’S REPORT: BY STANLEY R. GREENBERG, CPA I hope everybody has been enjoying the beautiful summer weather and all of the facilities that Le Havre has to offer. The summer will soon be over and the fall will be upon us which means cooler weather and no swimming, unfortunately. FINANCIAL: The first month ending July 31st (budgeted versus actual) showed revenues of $1,346,810 (8.26%) of the budgeted amount of $16,310,670 and total expenses of $1,163,090 (7.46%) of the budgeted amount of $15,561,124 as reported by our accountants. PLAYGROUND: I am pleased to advise that the improvement work on the playground, adjacent to Pool #1, will be under way by the time you read this article. The work should take approximately two weeks to complete from start to the completion. New surfacing and a new fence will be installed and a few items will be replaced. All of this work should enhance the safety and appearance of the playground area. BOARD OF ELECTIONS: L E H A V R E 3 S E P T E M B E R We have received notification from the Board of Elections that the Le Havre clubhouse will no longer be used for voting purposes in the regular elections. Unfortunately, this will cause an inconvenience to all of our residents as now they will have to travel to PS193 in Whitestone to vote. We have asked our local councilmember, Paul Vallone, to reach out to the Board of Elections, on our behalf, to see if anything can be done to keep the elections at Le Havre. N E W S As you are aware, Le Havre has a visiting dog policy in place and, should you plan on having a visiting dog, please contact the Management Office to obtain information on the process. In closing, as always, I would like to thank all residents for their continued support. SAVE THE DATE TO CELEBRATE! Please put Sunday, Nov. 15, 11:00 AM to 3 PM, on your calendars. We will have a new Arts & Crafts show at our clubhouse with great music tracks and new artists and crafts people; a fun day to enjoy with friends and family. Free entry and refreshments and RAFFLES, too, for unique holiday gifts. We want to give back to our community as well, so this year a portion of the artists’ sales will go to the Whitestone Ambulance Service, a very worthwhile local community service. Though we have 8 artists now, we have room for a few more. Please call the clubhouse at 718-767-2277 and give your info—someone will get in touch with you. We also need more crafts people and fine artists, so come show your stuff and enjoy the day with us. Also would love to have a singer, musician, or writer to present their work. LeHavre has so many talented people. IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION LeHavre Web Site Address and Email Addresses WWW.QUEENSCOURIER.COM | SEPTEMBER 2015 | LEHAVRE COURIER 3 Management Offi ce 718-767-7400 (9am-5pm) Maintenance Dept. [email protected] • [email protected] 718-767-6200 (7am-4pm) LeClub 718-767-2277 Security (4pm-7am) 718-767-6200 109th Precinct 718-321-2250 School Board #25 718-282-7600 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Stanley Greenberg, President [email protected] Michael DeRosa, Vice President [email protected] Raymond Bergen, Treasurer [email protected] Lori DiStefano, Secretary [email protected] Thomas Affatato, Board Member [email protected] Penni Nussbaum, Board Member [email protected] Steven Young, Board Member [email protected] Mitchell Breidbart, Board Member [email protected] Judith Densky, Board Member [email protected] General email to all Board Members [email protected] MANAGEMENT OFFICE: Margaret Costello, Manager [email protected] Karen Lohman, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Anastasia Savva, Accounts Payable / Reception General Maintenance Department Email [email protected] Megan Foggia, General Offi ce Email Website address is: [email protected]
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